HDF   "`HEAP(str1str2str3str4TREE HH``.;H(@nyxb( `IIdBSNOD( !IdBFour score and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth on this continent a new nationquote " backspace form feed new line tab new line carriage return ]V)YFour score and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth on this continent a new nationGCOLVconceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.ch)Now we are engaged in a great civil war,fessor Ytesting whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. combat]Four score and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth on this continent a new nation,et.h -- Professor Cheng Man-ch'ing5A fight is a contract that takes two people to honor. ;A combative stance means that you've accepted the contract.:; (In which case, you deserve what you get. -- Professor Cheng Man-ch'ing 5A fight is a contract that takes two people to honor. ;A combative stance means that you've accepted the contract.(In which case, you deserve what you get. -- Professor Cheng Man-ch'ing5A fight is a contract that takes two people to honor.;A combative stance means that you've accepted the contract.(In which case, you deserve what you get. -- Professor Cheng Man-ch'ing5A fight is a contract that takes two people to honor.;A combative stance means that you've accepted the contract.(In which case, you deserve what you get. -- Professor Cheng Man-ch'ing5A fight is a contract that takes two people to honor.  9:;<=>?@ABCD E FGHI J K L M  N !"#O$%&'P()*+Q,-./R0123S4567T89:;UV W X YZ[\]^_`abcd e fghi j k l m  n !"#o$%&'p()*+q,-./r0123s4567t89:;uv w x yz{|}~0pa  strdB( ]8]dB