# runTest.cmake executes a command and captures the output in a file. File is then compared # against a reference file. Exit status of command can also be compared. cmake_policy(SET CMP0007 NEW) # arguments checking if (NOT TEST_TESTER) message (FATAL_ERROR "Require TEST_TESTER to be defined") endif () if (NOT TEST_PROGRAM) message (FATAL_ERROR "Require TEST_PROGRAM to be defined") endif () if (NOT TEST_LIBRARY_DIRECTORY) message (STATUS "Require TEST_LIBRARY_DIRECTORY to be defined") endif () if (NOT TEST_FOLDER) message ( FATAL_ERROR "Require TEST_FOLDER to be defined") endif () if (NOT TEST_OUTPUT) message (FATAL_ERROR "Require TEST_OUTPUT to be defined") endif () if (NOT TEST_CLASSPATH) message (STATUS "Require TEST_CLASSPATH to be defined") endif () if (NOT TEST_REFERENCE) message (STATUS "Require TEST_REFERENCE to be defined") endif () if (NOT TEST_ERRREF) if (NOT SKIP_APPEND) # append error file since skip was not defined set (ERROR_APPEND 1) endif () endif () if (NOT TEST_LOG_LEVEL) set (LOG_LEVEL "info") else () set (LOG_LEVEL "${TEST_LOG_LEVEL}") endif () message (STATUS "COMMAND: ${TEST_TESTER} -Xmx1024M -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLog=${LOG_LEVEL} -Djava.library.path=\"${TEST_LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}\" -cp \"${TEST_CLASSPATH}\" ${TEST_ARGS} ${TEST_PROGRAM} ${ARGN}") if (WIN32 AND NOT MINGW) set (ENV{PATH} "$ENV{PATH}\\;${TEST_LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}") endif () # run the test program, capture the stdout/stderr and the result var execute_process ( COMMAND ${TEST_TESTER} -Xmx1024M -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=${LOG_LEVEL} -Djava.library.path=${TEST_LIBRARY_DIRECTORY} -cp "${TEST_CLASSPATH}" ${TEST_ARGS} ${TEST_PROGRAM} ${ARGN} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TEST_FOLDER} RESULT_VARIABLE TEST_RESULT OUTPUT_FILE ${TEST_OUTPUT} ERROR_FILE ${TEST_OUTPUT}.err OUTPUT_VARIABLE TEST_OUT ERROR_VARIABLE TEST_ERROR ) message (STATUS "COMMAND Result: ${TEST_RESULT}") if (EXISTS ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT}.err) file (READ ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT}.err TEST_STREAM) if (TEST_MASK_FILE) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "CurrentDir is [^\n]+\n" "CurrentDir is (dir name)\n" TEST_STREAM "${TEST_STREAM}") endif () if (NOT ERROR_APPEND) # append error output to the stdout output file file (WRITE ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT}.err "${TEST_STREAM}") else () # write back to original .err file file (APPEND ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT} "${TEST_STREAM}") endif () endif () if (TEST_MASK_ERROR) if (NOT TEST_ERRREF) # the error stack has been appended to the output file file (READ ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT} TEST_STREAM) else () # the error stack remains in the .err file file (READ ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT}.err TEST_STREAM) endif () string (REGEX REPLACE "Time:[^\n]+\n" "Time: XXXX\n" TEST_STREAM "${TEST_STREAM}") string (REGEX REPLACE "thread [0-9]*:" "thread (IDs):" TEST_STREAM "${TEST_STREAM}") string (REGEX REPLACE ": ([^\n]*)[.]c " ": (file name) " TEST_STREAM "${TEST_STREAM}") string (REGEX REPLACE " line [0-9]*" " line (number)" TEST_STREAM "${TEST_STREAM}") #string (REGEX REPLACE "v[1-9]*[.][0-9]*[.]" "version (number)." TEST_STREAM "${TEST_STREAM}") string (REGEX REPLACE "HDF5 .[1-9]*[.][0-9]*[.][0-9]*[^)]*" "HDF5 (version (number)" TEST_STREAM "${TEST_STREAM}") string (REGEX REPLACE "H5Eget_auto[1-2]*" "H5Eget_auto(1 or 2)" TEST_STREAM "${TEST_STREAM}") string (REGEX REPLACE "H5Eset_auto[1-2]*" "H5Eset_auto(1 or 2)" TEST_STREAM "${TEST_STREAM}") # write back the changes to the original files if (NOT TEST_ERRREF) file (WRITE ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT} "${TEST_STREAM}") else () file (WRITE ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT}.err "${TEST_STREAM}") endif () endif () # if the return value is !=0 bail out if (NOT ${TEST_RESULT} STREQUAL ${TEST_EXPECT}) message (STATUS "ERROR OUTPUT: ${TEST_STREAM}") message (FATAL_ERROR "Failed: Test program ${TEST_PROGRAM} exited != 0.\n${TEST_ERROR}") endif () message (STATUS "COMMAND Error: ${TEST_ERROR}") # compare output files to references unless this must be skipped if (NOT TEST_SKIP_COMPARE) if (WIN32 AND NOT MINGW) file (READ ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_REFERENCE} TEST_STREAM) file (WRITE ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_REFERENCE} "${TEST_STREAM}") endif () # now compare the output with the reference execute_process ( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E compare_files ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT} ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_REFERENCE} RESULT_VARIABLE TEST_RESULT ) if (NOT ${TEST_RESULT} STREQUAL 0) set (TEST_RESULT 0) file (STRINGS ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT} test_act) list (LENGTH test_act len_act) file (STRINGS ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_REFERENCE} test_ref) list (LENGTH test_ref len_ref) if (NOT ${len_act} STREQUAL "0") MATH (EXPR _FP_LEN "${len_ref} - 1") foreach (line RANGE 0 ${_FP_LEN}) list (GET test_act ${line} str_act) list (GET test_ref ${line} str_ref) if (NOT "${str_act}" STREQUAL "${str_ref}") if (NOT "${str_act}" STREQUAL "") set (TEST_RESULT 1) message ("line = ${line}\n***ACTUAL: ${str_act}\n****REFER: ${str_ref}\n") endif () endif () endforeach () endif () if (NOT ${len_act} STREQUAL ${len_ref}) set (TEST_RESULT 1) endif () endif () message (STATUS "COMPARE Result: ${TEST_RESULT}") # again, if return value is !=0 scream and shout if (NOT ${TEST_RESULT} STREQUAL 0) message (FATAL_ERROR "Failed: The output of ${TEST_OUTPUT} did not match ${TEST_REFERENCE}") endif () # now compare the .err file with the error reference, if supplied if (TEST_ERRREF) if (WIN32 AND NOT MINGW) file (READ ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ERRREF} TEST_STREAM) file (WRITE ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ERRREF} "${TEST_STREAM}") endif () # now compare the error output with the error reference execute_process ( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E compare_files ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT}.err ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ERRREF} RESULT_VARIABLE TEST_RESULT ) if (NOT ${TEST_RESULT} STREQUAL 0) set (TEST_RESULT 0) file (STRINGS ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT}.err test_act) list (LENGTH test_act len_act) file (STRINGS ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_ERRREF} test_ref) list (LENGTH test_ref len_ref) MATH (EXPR _FP_LEN "${len_ref} - 1") if (NOT ${len_act} STREQUAL "0") MATH (EXPR _FP_LEN "${len_ref} - 1") foreach (line RANGE 0 ${_FP_LEN}) list (GET test_act ${line} str_act) list (GET test_ref ${line} str_ref) if (NOT "${str_act}" STREQUAL "${str_ref}") if (NOT "${str_act}" STREQUAL "") set (TEST_RESULT 1) message ("line = ${line}\n***ACTUAL: ${str_act}\n****REFER: ${str_ref}\n") endif () endif () endforeach () endif () if (NOT ${len_act} STREQUAL ${len_ref}) set (TEST_RESULT 1) endif () endif () message (STATUS "COMPARE Result: ${TEST_RESULT}") # again, if return value is !=0 scream and shout if (NOT ${TEST_RESULT} STREQUAL 0) message (FATAL_ERROR "Failed: The error output of ${TEST_OUTPUT}.err did not match ${TEST_ERRREF}") endif () endif () endif () if (TEST_GREP_COMPARE) # now grep the output with the reference file (READ ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_OUTPUT} TEST_STREAM) # TEST_REFERENCE should always be matched string (REGEX MATCH "${TEST_REFERENCE}" TEST_MATCH ${TEST_STREAM}) string (COMPARE EQUAL "${TEST_REFERENCE}" "${TEST_MATCH}" TEST_RESULT) if (${TEST_RESULT} STREQUAL "0") message (FATAL_ERROR "Failed: The output of ${TEST_PROGRAM} did not contain ${TEST_REFERENCE}") endif () string (REGEX MATCH "${TEST_FILTER}" TEST_MATCH ${TEST_STREAM}) if (${TEST_EXPECT} STREQUAL "1") # TEST_EXPECT (1) interperts TEST_FILTER as NOT to match string (LENGTH "${TEST_MATCH}" TEST_RESULT) if (NOT ${TEST_RESULT} STREQUAL "0") message (FATAL_ERROR "Failed: The output of ${TEST_PROGRAM} did contain ${TEST_FILTER}") endif () endif () endif () # everything went fine... message ("${TEST_PROGRAM} Passed")