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int32 VHstoredata(int32 file_id, char *fieldname, uint8 buf[], int32 n_records, int32 data_type, char *vdata_name, char *vdata_class)

file_id IN:

File identifier returned by Hopen

fieldname IN:

Field name for the new vdata

buf IN:

Buffer containing the records to be stored

n_records IN:

Number of records to be stored

data_type IN:

Type of data to be stored

vdata_name IN:

Name of the vdata to be created

vdata_class IN

Class of the vdata to be created


Creates and writes to a single-field vdata.

Return value

Returns reference number of the newly-created vdata if successful, and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


VHstoredata creates a single-field vdata in the file, file_id, and stores data from the buffer buf in it. Vdata name, class name and data type are specified by the parameters vdata_name, vdata_class, and data_type, respectively. Number of records in a vdata is specified by the parameter n_records. Field name is specified by the parameter fieldname.

Vstart must precede VHstoredata. It is not necessary, however, to call VSattach or VSdetach in conjunction with VHstoredata.

This routine provides a high-level method for creating single-order, single-field vdatas.

Note that there are two FORTRAN-77 versions of this routine; one for numeric data (vhfsd) and the other for character data (vhfsdc).


integer function vhfsd(file_id, fieldname, buf, n_records, data_type, vdata_name, vdata_class)

integer file_id, n_records, data_type

character*(*) vdata_name, vdata_class, fieldname

<valid numeric data type> buf(*)

integer function vhfscd(file_id, fieldname, buf, n_records, data_type, vdata_name, vdata_class)

integer file_id, n_records, data_type

character*(*) vdata_name, vdata_class, fieldname

character*(*) buf

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.