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int32 VHmakegroup(int32 file_id, int32 tag_array[], int32 ref_array[], int32 n_objects, char *vgroup_name, char *vgroup_class)

file_id IN:

File identifier returned by Hopen

tag_array IN:

Array of tags

ref_array IN:

Array of reference numbers

n_objects IN:

Number of data objects to be stored

vgroup_name IN:

Name of the vgroup

vgroup_class IN:

Class of the vgroup


Creates a vgroup.

Return value

Returns the reference number of the newly-created vgroup if successful, FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


VHmakegroup creates a vgroup with the name specified by the parameter vgroup_name and the class name specified by the parameter vgroup_class in the file identified by the parameter file_id. The routine inserts n_objects objects into the vgroup. The tag and reference numbers of the objects to be inserted are specified in the arrays tag_array and ref_array.

Creating empty vgroups with VHmakegroup is allowed. VHmakegroup does not check if the tag/reference number pair is valid, or if the corresponding data object exists. However, all of the tag/reference number pairs must be unique.

Vstart must precede any calls to VHmakegroup. It is not necessary, however, to call Vattach or Vdetach in conjunction with VHmakegroup.

The elements in the arrays tag_array and ref_array are the matching tag/reference number pairs of the objects to be inserted, that means tag_array[0] and ref_array[0] refer to one data object, and tag_array[1] and ref_array[1] to another, etc.


integer function vhfmkgp(file_id, tag_array, ref_array, n_objects, vgroup_name, vgroup_class)

integer file_id, n_objects

character*(*) vgroup_name, vgroup_class

integer tag_array(*), ref_array(*)

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.