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int32 Vsetname(int32 vgroup_id, char *vgroup_name)

vgroup_id IN:

Vgroup identifier returned by Vattach

vgroup_name IN:

Name of a vgroup


Sets the name of a vgroup.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


Vsetname sets the name specified by the parameter vgroup_name for the vgroup identified by the parameter vgroup_id.

A vgroup initially has a name of NULL, and may be renamed more than once during the scope of the vgroup identifier (vgroup_id). Note that the routine does not check for uniqueness of vgroup names.

Vgroup names are optional, but recommended. They serve as meaningful labels for user applications. If used, they should be unique. The name length is limited to VSNAMELENMAX (or 64) characters.


integer function vfsnam(vgroup_id, vgroup_name)

integer vgroup_id

character*(*) vgroup_name

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.