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int32 SDfindattr(int32 obj_id, char *attr_name)

obj_id IN:

Identifier of the object to which the attribute is attached

attr_name IN:

Name of the attribute


Finds the index of an attribute given its name.

Return value

Returns the index if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


SDfindattr retrieves the index of the object's attribute with the name specified by the parameter attr_name.

The attribute is attached to the object specified by the parameter obj_id. The parameter obj_id can be either an SD interface identifier (sd_id), returned by SDstart, a data set identifier (sds_id), returned by SDselect, or a dimension identifier (dim_id), returned by SDgetdimid.

Wildcard characters are not allowed in the parameter attr_name. SDfindattr searches for the name specified in the parameter attr_name in a case-sensitive manner.


integer function sffattr(obj_id, attr_name)

integer obj_id

character*(*) attr_name

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.