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intn SDsetrange(int32 sds_id, VOIDP max, VOIDP min)

sds_id IN:

Data set identifier returned by SDcreate or SDselect

max IN:

Maximum value of the range

min IN:

Minimum value of the range


Sets the maximum and minimum range values for a data set.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


SDsetrange sets the maximum and minimum range values of the data set identified by the parameter sds_id with the values of the parameters max and min. The term "range" is used here to describe the range of numeric values stored in a data set.

It is assumed that the data type for the maximum and minimum range values are the same as the data type of the data.

This routine does not compute the maximum and minimum range values, it only stores the values as given. As a result, the maximum and minimum range values may not always reflect the actual maximum and minimum range values in the data set data.


integer function sfsrange(sds_id, max, min)

integer sds_id

<valid numeric data type> max, min

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.