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intn SDsetdatastrs(int32 sds_id, char *label, char *unit, char *format, char *coordsys)

sds_id IN:

Data set identifier returned by SDcreate or SDselect

label IN:

Label (predefined attribute)

unit IN:

Unit (predefined attribute)

format IN:

Format (predefined attribute)

coordsys IN:

Coordinate system (predefined attribute)


Sets the predefined attributes for a data set.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


SDsetdatastrs sets the predefined attributes of the data set, identified by sds_id, to the values specified in the parameters label, unit, format and coordsys. The predefined attributes are label, unit, format, and coordinate system. If the user does not want a string returned, the corresponding parameter can be set to NULL in C and an empty string in Fortran.

For more information about predefined attributes, refer to Section 3.10 of the HDF User's Guide.


integer function sfsdtstr(sds_id, label, unit, format, coordsys)

integer sds_id

character*(*) label, unit, format, coordsys

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.