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intn SDisdimval_bwcomp(int32 dim_id)

dim_id IN:

Dimension identifier returned by SDgetdimid


Determines whether a dimension has the old and new representations or the new representation only.

Refer to the HDF User's Guide, Chapter 3, titled SD Scientific Data Sets (SD API), for information on old and new dimension representations.

Return value

Returns SD_DIMVAL_BW_COMP (or 1) if backward compatible, SD_DIMVAL_BW_INCOMP (or 0) if incompatible, FAIL (or -1) if error.


SDisdimval_bwcomp will flag the dimension specified by the parameter dim_id as backward-compatible if a vdata with a class name of "DimVal0.0" does not exist in the vgroup for that dimension. If the vdata does exist, the specified dimension will be identified by SDisdimval_bcomp as backward-incompatible.

The compatibility mode can be changed by calls to SDsetdimval_comp at any time between the calls to SDstart and SDend.


integer function sfisdmvc(dim_id)

integer dim_id

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.