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VOID HEprint(FILE *stream, int32 level)

stream IN:

Stream to print error message to

level IN:

Level of error stack to print


Prints information to the error stack.

Return value



If level is 0, all of the errors currently on the error stack are printed. Output from this function is sent to the file pointed to by stream.

The following information is printed: the ASCII description of the error, the reporting routine, the reporting routine as source file name, and the line at which the error was reported. If the programmer has supplied extra information by means of HEreport, this information is printed as well.

The FORTRAN-77 routine uses one less parameter than the C routine because it doesn't allow the user to specify the print stream. Instead, it always prints to stdout.


integer heprnt(level)

integer level

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.