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intn DFSDsetfillvalue(VOIDP fill_value)

fill_value IN:

Fill value


Set the value used to fill in any unwritten location in a scientific dataset.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


It is assumed that the fill value has the same data type as the dataset. Once the fill value is set for a particular SDS, it cannot be changed.

If DFSDsetfillvalue is called before the first call to DFSDstartslab, DFSDstartslab will set the fill value tag attribute to the value specified in the DFSDsetfillvalue call, but will not actually write out the fill value when DFSDwriteslab is called. However, if DFSDsetfillvalue is called after the first call the DFSDstartslab, the fill value tag attribute will be set by DFSDsetfillvalue and the fill value will be written to the slab during the DFSDwriteslab call.


integer function dssfill(fill_value)

character*(*) fill_value

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.