/* */
/* This header file was created at the UCLA Office of Academic */
/* computing. */
/* */
/* The University of California requires the following disclaimer */
/* concerning all distributed programs: */
/* */
/* Although this program material has been tested by its */
/* contributor, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the */
/* contributor or the University of California as to the accuracy */
/* and functioning of the program and related program material, nor */
/* shall the fact of the distribution constitute any such warranty, */
/* and no responsibility is assumed by the contributor or the */
/* University of California, in connection therewith. */
/* */
#pragma linkage( DF24getdims, FORTRAN )
#pragma linkage( DF24reqil, FORTRAN )
#pragma linkage( DF24getimage, FORTRAN )
#pragma linkage( DF24setdims, FORTRAN )
#pragma linkage( DF24setil, FORTRAN )
#pragma linkage( DF24restart, FORTRAN )
#pragma linkage( DF24addimage, FORTRAN )
#pragma linkage( DF24readref, FORTRAN )
#pragma map( DF24getdims, "D2GDIMS" )
#pragma map( DF24reqil, "D2REQIL" )
#pragma map( DF24getimage, "D2GIMG" )
#pragma map( DF24setdims, "D2SDIMS" )
#pragma map( DF24setil, "D2SETIL" )
#pragma map( DF24restart, "D2FIRST" )
#pragma map( DF24addimage, "D2AIMG" )
#pragma map( DF24readref, "D2RREF" )