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B-tree symbol table node usage: h5debug
ERROR: Need number of dimensions of chunk in order to dump chunk B-tree node B-tree chunked storage node usage: h5debug <# of dimensions> ERROR: Need v2 B-tree header address and the node's number of records and depth in order to dump internal node NOTE: Leaf nodes are depth 0, the internal nodes above them are depth 1, etc. v2 B-tree internal node usage: h5debug ERROR: Need v2 B-tree header address and number of records in order to dump leaf node h5debug ERROR: Need fractal heap header address and size of direct block in order to dump direct block Fractal heap direct block usage: h5debug ERROR: Need fractal heap header address and number of rows in order to dump indirect block Fractal heap indirect block usage: h5debug ERROR: Need free space header address and client address in order to dump serialized sections Free space serialized sections usage: h5debug ERROR: Need list format version and number of messages in order to shared message list h5debug cannot open file cannot obtain H5F_t pointer cannot read signature HDF  GCOLSNODSymbol table node usage: Unknown B-tree subtype %u BTHDBTINBTLFv2 B-tree leaf node usage: FRHPFHDBFHIBFSHDFSSESMTBSMLIShared message list usage: Signature:\%03ounknown signature An error occurred! /XӚ%Nwgќ;pڝD&[ş/dΠH5_init_libraryH5dont_atexitH5garbage_collectH5set_free_list_limitsH5get_libversionH5check_versionH5openH5closeachghlmfmmvz-allHDF5_DEBUG,AACFL %s library initialization failedcan't garbage collect objectstracettopttimesHDF5_DEBUG: ignored %s HDF5_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECKBye... HDF5 library version: 1.8.1unable to initialize error interface/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5.cunable to initialize property list interfaceunable to initialize datatype interfaceunable to initialize dataset interfaceunable to initialize metadata caching interfaceunable to initialize link interfaceHDF5: infinite loop closing library can't set garbage collection limitsWarning! ***HDF5 library version mismatched error*** The HDF5 header files used to compile this application do not match the version used by the HDF5 library to which this application is linked. Data corruption or segmentation faults may occur if the application continues. You should recompile the application or check your shared library related settings such as 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'. You can, at your own risk, disable this warning by setting the environment variable 'HDF5_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECK' to a value of '1'. Setting it to 2 will suppress the warning messages totally. Headers are %u.%u.%u, library is %u.%u.%u Warning! ***HDF5 library version mismatched error*** The HDF5 header files used to compile this application do not match the version used by the HDF5 library to which this application is linked. Data corruption or segmentation faults may occur if the application continues. You should recompile the application or check your shared library related settings such as 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'. 'HDF5_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECK' environment variable is set to %d, application will continue at your own risk. HDF5 library version: %d.%d.%dWarning! Library version information error. The HDF5 library version information are not consistent in its source code. This is NOT a fatal error but should be corrected. Setting the environment variable 'HDF5_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECK' to a value of 1 will suppress this warning. Library version information are: H5_VERS_MAJOR=%d, H5_VERS_MINOR=%d, H5_VERS_RELEASE=%d, H5_VERS_SUBRELEASE=%s, H5_VERS_INFO=%s -+ #ZHhlqLI-%%%s%s%s%s%s.%d%cUNDEFTRUEFALSEFAIL(%d)memory allocation failedKKl KKKl8llH5_build_extpath/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5system.cH5A_tattr_buf_blknot a locationno write intent on fileno attribute namenot a typenot a data spaceunable to create attributeno object namecan't free locationerror checking attributesattribute already existsnot a property listcharacter_encodinginvalid datatype locationunable to copy entryunable to copy pathunable to opencan't close attributecan't open attributeinvalid index type specifiedunable to open attributenot an attributenot a datatypenull attribute bufferunable to write attributedataspace is invaliddatatype conversion failedunable to modify attributeunable to read attributeunable to copy dataspaceunable to copy datatypecan't get default ACPLcan't get property listcan't set character encodinginvalid bufferno nameunable to get attribute infoinvalid info pointername is nilcan't rename attributeno old attribute nameno new attribute nameunable to open objectunable to delete attributeunable to copy attribute namecan't copy object locationcan't copy pathcan't release datatype infocan't release dataspace infocan't release attribute infoH5A_initH5A_init_interfaceH5Acreate2H5Acreate_by_nameH5A_createH5AopenH5Aopen_by_nameH5Aopen_by_idxH5A_open_commonH5A_open_by_idxH5A_open_by_nameH5AwriteH5A_writeH5AreadH5A_readH5Aget_spaceH5Aget_typeH5Aget_create_plistH5Aget_nameH5Aget_name_by_idxH5Aget_storage_sizeH5Aget_infoH5Aget_info_by_nameH5Aget_info_by_idxH5A_get_infoH5ArenameH5Arename_by_nameH5Aiterate2H5Aiterate_by_nameH5AdeleteH5Adelete_by_nameH5Adelete_by_idxH5AcloseH5A_copyH5A_freeH5A_closeH5A_olocH5A_nameofH5AexistsH5Aexists_by_nameinterface initialization failed/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5A.cunable to initialize interfacelocation is not valid for an attributedataspace extent has not been setmemory allocation failed for attribute infocan't get character encoding flagcan't set latest version of datatypecan't set latest version of dataspacetrying to share datatype failedtrying to share dataspace failedunable to adjust shared datatype link countunable to update attribute versionunable to create attribute in object headerunable to register attribute for IDunable to load attribute info from object headerunable to initialize attributenot link access property list IDinvalid iteration order specifiedcan't release group hier. pathunable to convert between src and dst datatypesunable to register types for conversionunable to register dataspace atomunable to lock transient datatypeunable to register datatype atomunable to copy attribute creation propertieserror iterating over attributesunable to close temporary objectunable to copy attribute datatypeunable to copy attribute dataspacememory allocation failed for attribute fill-valuecan't release object header infounable to determine if attribute existsDDDUEEwF FFG(G}GGH5A_dense_fh_name_cmpcan't decode attributeRecord:%*s%-*s {%016Hx, %02x, %u} /home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Abtree2.cattribute found callback failed%*s%-*s {%016Hx, %02x, %u, %08lx} H5A_compact_build_table_cbH5A_compact_build_tableH5A_dense_build_tableH5A_dense_build_table_cbH5A_attr_iterate_tableH5A_attr_release_tableH5A_get_ainfounable to extend attribute table/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Aint.cerror building attribute tablecan't retrieve # of records in indexattribute info message not presentcan't copy attributeerror sorting attribute tableiteration operator failedunable to release attributeH5AC_initH5AC_createH5AC_destH5AC_expunge_entryH5AC_flushH5AC_get_entry_statusH5AC_setH5AC_mark_pinned_entry_dirtyH5AC_mark_pinned_or_protected_entry_dirtyH5AC_renameH5AC_pin_protected_entryH5AC_protectH5AC_resize_pinned_entryH5AC_unpin_entryH5AC_unprotectH5AC_statsH5AC_get_cache_auto_resize_configH5AC_get_cache_sizeH5AC_get_cache_hit_rateH5AC_reset_cache_hit_rate_statsH5AC_set_cache_auto_resize_configH5AC_validate_configH5AC_close_trace_fileH5AC_open_trace_fileH5AC_check_if_write_permittedH5AC_ext_config_2_int_config/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5AC.cshared OH message master tableauto resize configuration failedH5C_get_entry_status() failed.H5C_mark_pinned_entry_dirty() failed.H5C_pin_protected_entry() failed.H5C_resize_pinned_entry() failed.Bad cache_ptr or config_ptr on entry.H5C_get_cache_auto_resize_config() failed.H5C_get_resize_enabled() failed.H5C_get_cache_hit_rate() failed.H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats() failed.H5C_get_trace_file_ptr() failed.config_ptr->dirty_bytes_threshold out of range.H5AC_close_trace_file() failed.H5AC_open_trace_file() failed.H5AC_ext_config_2_int_config() failed.H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config() failed.H5C_set_evictions_enabled() failed.config_ptr->rpt_fcn_enabled must be either TRUE or FALSE.config_ptr->open_trace_file must be either TRUE or FALSE.config_ptr->close_trace_file must be either TRUE or FALSE.config_ptr->trace_file_name is empty.config_ptr->trace_file_name too long.config_ptr->evictions_enabled must be either TRUE or FALSE.Can't disable evictions while auto-resize is enabled.dirty_bytes_threshold too small.dirty_bytes_threshold too big.H5C_set_trace_file_ptr() failed.can't close metadata cache trace fileNULL trace_file_name on entry.### HDF5 metadata cache trace file version 1 ### symbol table nodeslocal heapsglobal heapsobject headersv2 B-tree headersv2 B-tree internal nodesv2 B-tree leaf nodesfractal heap headersfractal heap direct blocksfractal heap indirect blocksfree space headersfree space sectionsshared OH message indextest entryBad cache configurationcan't destroy cacheH5C_expunge_entry() failed.Can't flush entry.Bad param(s) on entry.H5C_insert_entry() failedH5C_rename_entry() failed.H5C_protect() failed.H5C_unpin_entry() failed.Can't get size of thingH5C_unprotect() failed.H5C_get_cache_size() failed.bad cache_ptr on entry.Trace file already open.NULL config_ptr on entry.Unknown config version.error(s) in new config.NULL cache_ptr on entry.cache_ptr NULL on entry.trace file name too long.trace file already open.trace file open failed.H5B2_tunable to load B-tree headerunable to create root nodeunable to split root nodenode iteration failedB-tree has no recordsunable to release B-tree noderecord is not in B-treeunable to delete B-tree nodesH5B2_createH5B2_insertH5B2_iterateH5B2_findH5B2_indexH5B2_removeH5B2_remove_by_idxH5B2_get_nrecH5B2_neighborH5B2_deleteH5B2_modifyH5B2_iterate_sizememory allocation failed for B-tree header/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5B2.ccan't create shared B-tree infofile allocation failed for B-tree headercan't add B-tree header to cacheunable to insert record into B-tree internal nodeunable to insert record into B-tree leaf nodeunable to release B-tree header info'found' callback failed for B-tree find operationunable to load B-tree internal nodeB-tree doesn't have that many recordsunable to remove record from B-tree internal nodecan't destroy node's native record block factorycan't destroy node's node pointer block factoryunable to remove record from B-tree leaf nodeunable to find neighbor record in B-tree internal nodeunable to find neighbor record in B-tree leaf nodeunable to free B-tree header infounable to delete B-tree header info'modify' callback failed for B-tree find operation8 @/2?W qH5B2_cache_hdr_loadH5B2_cache_hdr_flushH5B2_cache_hdr_clearH5B2_cache_internal_loadH5B2_cache_internal_flushH5B2_cache_internal_clearH5B2_cache_leaf_loadH5B2_cache_leaf_flushH5B2_cache_leaf_clearcan't wrap buffercan't get actual buffercan't read B-tree headerwrong B-tree header signaturewrong B-tree header versionincorrect B-tree typecan't close wrapped buffercan't read B-tree leaf node/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5B2cache.cincorrect metadata checksum for v2 B-tree headerunable to save B-tree header to diskunable to destroy B-tree headercan't read B-tree internal nodewrong B-tree internal node signaturewrong B-tree internal node versionmemory allocation failed for B-tree internal native keysmemory allocation failed for B-tree internal node pointersincorrect metadata checksum for v2 internal nodeunable to decode B-tree recordunable to save B-tree internal node to diskunable to encode B-tree recordunable to destroy B-tree internal nodewrong B-tree leaf node signaturewrong B-tree leaf node versionmemory allocation failed for B-tree leaf native keysincorrect metadata checksum for v2 leaf nodeunable to save B-tree leaf node to diskunable to destroy B-tree leaf nodeH5B2_hdr_debugH5B2_int_debugH5B2_leaf_debug%*sv2 B-tree Header... H5B2_TEST_IDH5B2_FHEAP_HUGE_INDIR_IDH5B2_FHEAP_HUGE_FILT_INDIR_IDH5B2_FHEAP_HUGE_DIR_IDH5B2_FHEAP_HUGE_FILT_DIR_IDH5B2_GRP_DENSE_NAME_IDH5B2_GRP_DENSE_CORDER_IDH5B2_SOHM_INDEX_IDH5B2_ATTR_DENSE_NAME_IDH5B2_ATTR_DENSE_CORDER_IDUnknown!Tree type ID:%*s%-*s %s Size of node:%*s%-*s %Zu Size of raw (disk) record:TrueFalseDirty flag:Depth:%*s%-*s %u Number of records in tree:%*s%-*s %Hu Address of root node:%*s%-*s %a Split percent:Merge percent:Depth %u:%*s%-*s (%u/%u/%u) Number of records in node:%*s%-*s (%Hu/%u/%a) Record #%u:%*s%-*s %*sv2 B-tree Leaf Node... /home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5B2dbg.cNumber of records in root node:%*sNode Info: (max_nrec/split_nrec/merge_nrec) unable to release B-tree header%*sv2 B-tree Internal 'Leaf' Node... %*sv2 B-tree Internal 'Branch' Node... Node pointer #%u: (all/node/addr)unable to release B-tree internal nodeunable to load B-tree leaf nodeunable to release B-tree leaf node    H5B2_shared_initH5B2_shared_freeH5B2_split1H5B2_split_rootH5B2_redistribute2H5B2_redistribute3H5B2_merge2H5B2_merge3H5B2_swap_leafH5B2_insert_leafH5B2_insert_internalH5B2_create_leafH5B2_create_internalH5B2_protect_internalH5B2_iterate_nodeH5B2_remove_leafH5B2_remove_internalH5B2_remove_leaf_by_idxH5B2_remove_internal_by_idxH5B2_neighbor_leafH5B2_neighbor_internalH5B2_delete_nodeH5B2_iterate_size_nodeH5B2_internal_tH5B2_leaf_tnode_page_blkH5B2_node_info_t_seqH5B2_shared_tunable to split old root noderecord is already in B-treeunable to split child nodeiterator function failedunable to merge child nodeCan't swap records in B-treecan't swap records in B-treenode descent failedunable to free B-tree nodememory allocation failed for B-tree shared information/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5B2int.ccan't create node native key block factorycan't create internal 'branch' node node pointer block factorycan't create ref-count wrapper for shared B-tree infounable to create new internal nodeunable to create new leaf nodeunable to release B-tree child nodeunable to free B-tree leaf nodeunable to insert record into leaf nodeunable to release leaf B-tree nodeunable to redistribute child node recordsunable to release internal B-tree nodememory allocation failed for B-tree leaf infofile allocation failed for B-tree leaf nodecan't add B-tree leaf to cachememory allocation failed for B-tree internal infofile allocation failed for B-tree internal nodecan't add B-tree internal node to cacheunable to remove record into leaf node'found' callback failed for B-tree neighbor operationunable to find neighbor record in B-treel;;;;9<4=H5B2_get_root_addr_testH5B2_get_node_info_testH5B2_get_node_depth_testrecord not in B-treeerror looking up node info/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5B2test.cH5C_tcalled unreachable fcn.can't create skip list.unable to flush cacheTarget entry is protected.Target entry is pinned.flush invalidate failed.next_entry_ptr == NULL 1 ?!?!next_entry_ptr == NULL 2 ?!?!cache has protected itemsflush pass limit exceeded.Can't get write_permittedBad cache_ptr on entry.Bad config_ptr on entry.Bad hit_rate_ptr on entry.Bad cache_ptrNULL trace_file_ptr_ptrentry already in cache.duplicate entry in cache.Entry isn't pinned??Entry is protected??New address already in use?.New size is non-positive.Entry isn't protectedEntry is already pinnedcan't load entryCan't get write_permitted 1Can't get write_permitted 2Cache auto-resize failed.Unknown incr_mode?!?!?.Unknown decr_mode?!?!?.Unknown flash_incr_mode?!?!?.Bad cache_ptr or cache_nameEntry isn't pinnedRead only entry modified(1)??Entry already pinned???Entry already unpinned???Read only entry modified(2)??Entry already unprotected??entry not in hash table?!?.Can't flush.max_size too bigmin_size too smallmin_size > max_sizeepoch_length too smallepoch_length too bigInvalid incr_modeInvalid flash_incr_modeInvalid decr_modeAuto cache resize disabled.Can't get hit rate.unknown incr_mode.ageout code failed.error cycling epoch marker.ring buffer underflow.unused marker in LRU?!?ring buffer overflow.unable to flush entryunable to flush clean entryCan't find unused marker.no excess markers on entry.Cache has protected entries.Entry flush destroy failed.can't clear entrylog_flush callback failed.unable to load entry DODDDEH5C_epoch_marker_loadH5C_epoch_marker_flushH5C_epoch_marker_destH5C_epoch_marker_clearH5C_epoch_marker_sizeH5C_createJK]KKLL/MPMqMH5C_destH5C_dest_emptyH5C_expunge_entryH5C_flush_cacheH5C_flush_to_min_cleanH5C_get_cache_auto_resize_configH5C_get_cache_sizeH5C_get_cache_hit_rateH5C_get_entry_statusH5C_get_evictions_enabledH5C_get_trace_file_ptrH5C_insert_entryH5C_mark_pinned_entry_dirtyH5C_mark_pinned_or_protected_entry_dirtyH5C_rename_entryH5C_resize_pinned_entryH5C_pin_protected_entryH5C_protectH5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_statsH5C_set_cache_auto_resize_configH5C_set_evictions_enabledH5C_set_prefixH5C_set_skip_flagsH5C_set_trace_file_ptrH5C_statsH5C_unpin_entryH5C_unprotectH5C_validate_resize_configH5C__auto_adjust_cache_sizeH5C__autoadjust__ageoutH5C__autoadjust__ageout__cycle_epoch_markerH5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entriesH5C__autoadjust__ageout__insert_new_markerH5C__autoadjust__ageout__remove_all_markersH5C__autoadjust__ageout__remove_excess_markersH5C__flash_increase_cache_sizeH5C_flush_invalidate_cacheH5C_flush_single_entryH5C_load_entryH5C_make_space_in_cache/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5C.cH5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats failed.%sAuto cache resize -- no change. (hit rate = %lf) %sAuto cache resize -- hit rate (%lf) out of bounds low (%6.5lf). %s cache size increased from (%Zu/%Zu) to (%Zu/%Zu). %sflash cache resize(%d) -- size threshold = %Zu. %sAuto cache resize -- decrease by threshold. HR = %lf > %6.5lf %sout of bounds high (%6.5lf). %sAuto cache resize -- decrease by ageout. HR = %lf %sAuto cache resize -- decrease by ageout with threshold. HR = %lf > %6.5lf %sAuto cache resize -- decrease by unknown mode. HR = %lf %s cache size decreased from (%Zu/%Zu) to (%Zu/%Zu). %s cache already at maximum size so no change. %sAuto cache resize -- hit rate (%lf) -- can't decrease. %s cache already at minimum size. %sAuto cache resize -- increase disabled -- HR = %lf.%sAuto cache resize -- decrease disabled -- HR = %lf. %s cache not full so no increase in size. %sAuto cache resize -- unknown status code. Bad cache_ptr or non-empty cache on entry.H5C_flush_single_entry() failed.dirty pinned entry flush failed.cache write is not permitted!?! H5C_make_space_in_cache failed.Bad evictions_enabled_ptr on entry.H5C__flash_increase_cache_size failed.Can't insert entry in skip listEntry is neither pinned nor protected??Target already renamed & reinserted???.Can't delete entry from skip list.H5C_make_space_in_cache failed 1.Target already protected & not read only?!?.H5C_make_space_in_cache failed 2.error in general configuration fields of new config.error in the size increase control fields of new config.error in the size decrease control fields of new config.conflicting threshold fields in new config.can't remove excess epoch markers.error removing all epoch markers.Bad evictions_enabled on entry.Can't disable evictions when auto resize enabled.hash table contains multiple entries for addr?!?.set_initial_size must be either TRUE or FALSEinitial_size must be in the interval [min_size, max_size]min_clean_fraction must be in the interval [0.0, 1.0]lower_hr_threshold must be in the range [0.0, 1.0]increment must be greater than or equal to 1.0apply_max_increment must be either TRUE or FALSEflash_multiple must be in the range [0.1, 10.0]flash_threshold must be in the range [0.1, 1.0]upper_hr_threshold must be <= 1.0decrement must be in the interval [0.0, 1.0]epochs_before_eviction must be positiveepochs_before_eviction too bigapply_empty_reserve must be either TRUE or FALSEempty_reserve must be in the interval [0.0, 1.0]upper_hr_threshold must be in the interval [0.0, 1.0]conflicting threshold fields in config.size_increase_possible but H5C_incr__off?!?!?can't insert new epoch marker.flash_size_increase_possible but H5C_flash_incr__off?!error flushing aged out entries.No active epoch markers on entry?!?!?.Already have a full complement of markers.old_entry_size >= new_entry_sizeslist_len != 0 && node_ptr == NULLdirty entry flush destroy failed.Can't unpin all pinned entries 1.Maximum passes on flush exceeded.Can't unpin all pinned entries 2.Attempt to flush a protected entry.Can't get entry size after flush? A?vlen_vl_buf_blkvlen_fl_buf_blkH5D_tH5D_shared_tcan't retrieve layouteflfill_valuecan't retrieve fill valueplinemax_temp_buftconv_bufbkgr_bufbkgr_buf_typebtree_split_ratiovec_sizeerr_detectfilter_cbdata_transformCan't retrieve DXPL valuescan't check datatype?can't copy datatypecan't set datatype locationunable to register typeCan't increment datatype IDcan't copy dataspaceunable to set all selectioncan't set fill value infounable to initialize storageunable to update layoutdatatype is not sensiblechunk_ndimsunable to get rankchunk_sizecan't retrieve chunk sizechunk size must be < 4GBcan't initialize chunk cachenot implemented yetunknown storage methodcan't incr object ref. countunable to destroy chunk cacheunable to release dataspaceunable to release datatypecan't increment object countunable to open object headercan't check if message existscan't retrieve messagecan't set pipelinecan't set layoutcan't set chunk dimensionscan't set chunk sizecan't set fill valuealloc_time_statecan't set external file listunsupported storage layoutunable to closenot a dataset typeunknown dataset layout typecan't resize tbufcan't select pointcan't read pointcan't apply filterscan't get dataset dimensionscan't fill dxpl cacheunable to remove chunks unable to initialize chunks block write failedH5D_initH5D_init_interfaceH5D_get_dxpl_cache_realH5D_get_dxpl_cacheH5D_create_namedH5D_get_space_statusH5D_newH5D_init_typeH5D_init_spaceH5D_update_oh_infoH5D_createH5D_set_io_opsH5D_openH5D_open_oidH5D_closeH5D_alloc_storageH5D_init_storageH5D_get_storage_sizeH5D_get_offsetH5D_vlen_reclaimH5D_vlen_get_buf_sizeH5D_check_filtersH5D_set_extentH5D_flush_realH5D_flushH5D_flush_cb/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Dint.ccan't get default dataset creation property listcan't retrieve external file listcan't retrieve pipeline filtercan't retrieve default DXPL infonot a dataset transfer property listCan't retrieve maximum temporary buffer sizeCan't retrieve temporary buffer pointerCan't retrieve background buffer pointerCan't retrieve background buffer typeCan't retrieve B-tree split ratiosCan't retrieve I/O vector sizeCan't retrieve error detection infoCan't retrieve filter callback functionCan't retrieve data transform infounable to create and link to datasetunable to get # of dataspace elementsunable to get size of datatypeCan't increment default DCPL IDcan't tell if fill value definedDataset doesn't support VL datatype when fill value is not definedunable to convert fill value to dataset typeunable to determine if fill value is definedfill value writing on allocation set, but no fill value definedcan't get dataset creation property listunable to create dataset object headerunable to protect dataset object headerunable to update new fill value header messageunable to update old fill value header messageunable to update datatype header messageunable to update dataspace header messageunable to update filter header messageunable to create EFL file name heapunable to protect EFL file name heapunable to insert file name into heapunable to unprotect EFL file name heapunable to update external file list messageunable to update modification time messageunable to unprotect dataset object headerdataspace extent has not been set.I/O filters can't operate on this datasetunable to set local filter parametersfilters can only be used with chunked layoutcan't retrieve fill value infoinvalid space allocation statecompact dataset must have early space allocationParallel I/O does not support filters yetcan't retrieve chunk dimensionscan't set latest version of I/O filter pipelinecan't set latest version of fill valueunable to initialize contiguous storageonly the first dimension can be extendibleunlimited data space but finite storagedata space * type size overfloweddata space size exceeds external storage sizeextendible contiguous non-external datasetdimensionality of chunks doesn't match the data spaceexternal storage not supported with chunked layoutunable to query maximum dimensionschunk size must be <= maximum dimension size for fixed-sized dimensionscompact dataset size is bigger than header message maximum sizeunable to initialize I/O operationscan't update the metadata cachecan't insert dataset into list of open objectsunable to release object headerunable to delete object headerunable to decrement ref count on property listunable to load type info from dataset headerunable to load space info from dataset headerunable to read data layout messagecan't set allocation time stateunable to initialize file storageunable to flush cached dataset infocan't decrement count for objectcan't remove dataset from list of open objectscouldn't free a component of the dataset, but the dataset was freed anyway.unable to initialize chunked storageunable to allocate memory for compact datasetunable to initialize dataset with fill valueunable to initialize compact dataset storageunable to allocate all chunks of datasetunable to retrieve VL allocation infoCouldn't retrieve fill value from dataset.unable to modify size of data spaceunable to update cached chunk indicesunable to initialize dataset storageunable to update layout messageunable to update file with new dataspaceunable to flush raw data cachetype_conv_blknot a datasetnot xfer parmsno output buffercan't read datacan't write dataunable to set up type infofilling buf failedcan't initialize I/O infounable to shut down type infoH5DreadH5DwriteH5D_readH5D_writeH5D_typeinfo_init/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Dio.cselection+offset not within extentmemory selection+offset not within extentfile selection+offset not within extentsrc dataspace has invalid selectionsrc and dest data spaces have different sizesfile dataspace does not have extent setmemory dataspace does not have extent setread failed: dataset doesn't exist, no data can be readunable to set up I/O operationunable to shut down I/O op infocan't retrieve number of elements in file datasetunable to convert between src and dest datatypetemporary buffer max size is too smallmemory allocation failed for type conversionmemory allocation failed for background conversion    H5D_istore_new_nodeH5D_istore_insertH5D_istore_iter_copyH5D_istore_initH5D_istore_flush_entryH5D_istore_preemptH5D_istore_flushH5D_istore_destH5D_istore_shared_createH5D_istore_pruneH5D_istore_lockH5D_istore_unlockH5D_istore_createH5D_istore_allocatedH5D_istore_chunkmapH5D_istore_iter_chunkmapH5D_istore_chunk_allocH5D_istore_allocateH5D_istore_prune_checkH5D_istore_prune_by_extentH5D_istore_prune_removeH5D_istore_removeH5D_istore_initialize_by_extentH5D_istore_deleteH5D_istore_update_cacheH5D_istore_copyH5D_istore_bh_infoH5D_istore_dump_btreeH5D_istore_debugH5D_rdcc_ent_tH5D_rdcc_ent_ptr_t_seqchunk_page_blkH5D_istore_sl_ck_tChunk size:%*s%-*s %u bytes Filter mask:%*s%-*s 0x%08x Logical offset:%*s%-*s {%s%Hdinternal errorunable to free chunkunable to reallocate chunkfile allocation failedunable to read raw data chunkdata pipeline read failedoutput pipeline failedunable to allocate chunkref-counted page nilcan't create B-treecan't get chunk indexunable to preempt chunkcan't compute 'down' sizesunable to iterate over B-treeunable to remove entrycan't create simple dataspaceunable to select spaceunable to select hyperslabscatter failedunable to delete chunk B-treeunable to copycannot mark datatype on disk Address: %a 0x%08x %8Zu %10a [] couldn't allocate new file storage/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Distore.cunable to copy dataset elementsmemory allocation failed for raw data chunkunable to reclaim variable-length dataunable to copy reference attributeunable to write raw data to filecan't create wrapper for shared B-tree infomemory allocation failed for pipelinecannot flush indexed storage bufferunable to flush one or more raw data chunksunable to decrement ref-counted pagememory allocation failed for shared B-tree infomemory allocation failed for B-tree pageunable to preempt one or more raw data cache entrycan't initialize fill buffer infocan't refill fill value bufferunable to preempt chunk from cacheunable to preempt chunk(s) from cacheCan't release fill buffer infounable to iterate over chunk B-treeunable to get simple dataspace infocan't insert chunk into skip listcan't create skip list for chunks outside new dimensionsunable to initialize chunk selection informationCan't release selection iteratorunable to unlock raw data chunkunable to register source file datatypeunable to register memory datatypeunable to register destination file datatypeunable to convert between src and mem datatypesunable to convert between mem and dst datatypesunable to determine datatype sizeunable to register dataspace IDCan't decrement temporary dataspace IDCan't decrement temporary datatype ID Flags Bytes Address Logical Offset ========== ======== ========== ============================== H5D_scatter_fileH5D_gather_fileH5D_scatter_memH5D_gather_memH5D_scatgath_readH5D_scatgath_writeH5D_compound_opt_readcan't allocate I/O length vector array/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Dscatgath.ccan't allocate I/O offset vector arraysequence length generation failedunable to initialize file selection informationunable to initialize memory selection informationunable to initialize background selection informationError performing data transformwrite errorread errorfile gather failedmem gather failedhsize_t_seqH5D_select_ioH5D_select_readH5D_select_write/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Dselect.ccan't retrieve file selection offsetcan't retrieve memory selection offsetunable to initialize selection iteratorunable to release selection iteratorH5E_tH5E_cls_tH5E_msg_tunable to initialize ID group%u.%u.%u%sHDF5class initialization failedcan't register error classDatasetcan't register error messageFunction entry/exitData storageFile accessabilityShared Object Header MessagesSymbol tableVirtual File LayerB-Tree nodeReferencesDataspaceResource unavailableProperty listsLinksDatatypeReference Counted StringsHeapObject headerObject atomAttributeNo errorLow-level I/OSkip ListsExternal file listTernary Search TreesInvalid arguments to routineError APIData filtersFree Space ManagerObject cacheSeek failedRead failedWrite failedClose failedAddress overflowedFile control (fcntl) failedCan't allocate spaceUnable to copy objectUnable to free objectObject already existsUnable to lock objectUnable to unlock objectUnable to garbage collectUnable to compute sizeObject is already openCan't restore conditionCan't compute valueCan't extend heap's spaceCan't attach objectCan't update objectCan't operate on objectUnable to initialize objectObject already initializedUnable to release objectCan't get valueCan't set valueCan't merge objectsCan't revive objectCan't shrink containerBad object header link countWrong version numberAlignment errorUnrecognized messageCan't delete messageIteration failedCan't pack messagesCan't reset objectSystem error messageCallback failedFilter operation failedCan't open objectCan't close objectName component is too longProblem with path to objectFile already existsFile already openUnable to create fileUnable to open fileUnable to close fileNot an HDF5 fileBad file ID accessedFile has been truncatedFile mount errorUnable to register new atomOut of IDs for groupProtected metadata errorMetadata not currently cachedInternal error detectedUnable to rename metadataUnable to protect metadataUnable to unprotect metadataUnable to pin cache entryUnable to un-pin cache entryLink traversal failureToo many soft links in pathLink class not registeredMove callback returned errorCan't sort objectsSome MPI function failedMPI Error StringCan't receive dataCan't clip hyperslab regionCan't count elementsCan't select hyperslabInvalid selectionCan't compare objectsInformation is uinitializedFeature is unsupportedInappropriate typeOut of rangeBad valueObject not foundUnable to encode valueUnable to decode valueUnable to split nodeUnable to swap recordsUnable to insert objectUnable to list nodeUnable to modify recordUnable to remove objectCan't convert datatypesBad size for objectinvalid stringcan't create error classnot an error classnot a error class IDcan't get error class namenot a valid message typemessage is NULLcan't create error messagenot a error message IDcan't get error message textcan't create error stacknot a error stack IDunable to set error stackcan't get number of errorscan't pop errors from stackcan't push error on stackcan't clear error stackcan't display error stackcan't walk error stackH5E_initH5E_init_interfaceH5Eregister_classH5E_register_classH5Eunregister_classH5Eget_class_nameH5E_close_msg_cbH5Eclose_msgH5Ecreate_msgH5E_create_msgH5Eget_msgH5Ecreate_stackH5Eget_current_stackH5E_get_current_stackH5Eset_current_stackH5E_set_current_stackH5Eclose_stackH5Eget_numH5EpopH5Epush2H5Eclear2H5Eprint2H5Ewalk2H5Eget_auto2H5Eset_auto2H5Eauto_is_v2/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5E.cerror message initialization failed/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Einit.hInternal error (too specific to document in detail)No space available for allocationDuplicate class name in parent classRequested filter is not availableError from filter 'can apply' callbackError from filter 'set local' callbackFilter present but encoding disabledUnable to find atom information (already closed?)Unable to find ID group informationUnable to increment reference countUnable to decrement reference countUnable to flush data from cacheUnable to serialize data from cacheUnable to load metadata into cacheUnable to insert metadata into cacheUnable to mark a pinned entry as dirtyUnable to mark metadata as dirtyUnable to expunge a metadata cache entryUnable to resize a metadata cache entryCan't move to next iterator locationUnable to redistribute recordsunable to decrement ref count on error classunable to decrement ref count on error messageunable to increment ref count on error classunable to increment ref count on error messageunable to decrement ref count on error stackmajor and minor errors not from same error classcan't get automatic error infocan't set automatic error infoNo major descriptionNo minor descriptionthread 0%*smajor: %s %*sminor: %s Unknown_FunctionUnknown_FileNo description given%s-DIAG: Error detected in %s (%s) %*s#%03d: %s line %u in %s()%s%s %*s#%03u: %s line %u in %s()%s%s /home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Eint.ccan't remove errors from stackH5E_printH5E_walkH5E_clear_entriesH5E_clear_stackH5E_popH5E_dump_api_stackH5F_tH5F_file_tnot a filemdc_initCacheCfgrdcc_nelmtsrdcc_nbytesrdcc_w0can't set preempt read chunkscan't set alignment thresholdaligncan't set alignmentgc_refmeta_block_sizecan't set metadata cache sizesieve_buf_sizecan't sieve buffer sizesdata_block_sizelatest_formatdriver_idcan't set file driver IDdriver_infocan't set file driver infoclose_degreecan't set file close degreenot a file idnot an object typecan't get object countunknown data objectno file name specifiedunable to open fileunable to close filenot property listaddr_byte_numobj_byte_numsymbol_leafbtree_ranknum_shmsg_indexesnot file access property listcan't get preempt read chunkcan't get alignment thresholdcan't get alignmentcan't get sieve buffer sizebad maximum address from VFDsuper_versionproblems closing filecan't close property listunable to retrieve VFL classfile existsfamily_to_sec2unable to read superblockunable to read root groupcan't get file close degreeunable to build extpathinvalid file nameinvalid flagsnot file create property listunable to create fileunable to atomize fileinvalid file open flagsunable to atomize file handleinvalid file identifierinvalid group identifierinvalid type identifierinvalid dataset identifierinvalid attribute identifiernot a file or file objectunable to flush dataset cachecan't reset metadata blocklow level flush failedcan't close filecan't close parent filecan't unmount child filescan't close objectnot a file IDdecrementing file ID failedunable to reopen filecan't retrieve filenoincrementing file ID faileddriver get_eoa request failedno write intentunable to get file sizeBad config_ptrNULL hit rate pointerH5AC_get_cache_size() failed.can't reset cache hit ratenot a valid object IDno info structH5F_initH5F_init_interfaceH5Fget_create_plistH5Fget_access_plistH5F_get_access_plistH5Fget_obj_countH5Fget_obj_idsH5F_get_objects_cbH5Fget_vfd_handleH5F_get_vfd_handleH5Fis_hdf5H5F_newH5F_destH5F_openH5FcreateH5FopenH5Fflush=R=vۗH5F_flushH5F_closeH5F_try_closeH5FcloseH5FreopenH5Fget_intentH5F_get_filenoH5F_get_idH5F_get_eoaH5F_block_readH5F_block_writeH5Fget_freespaceH5Fget_filesizeH5Fget_mdc_configH5Fset_mdc_configH5Fget_mdc_hit_rateH5Fget_mdc_sizeH5Freset_mdc_hit_rate_statsH5Fget_nameH5Fget_info/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5F.cunable to copy file creation propertiescan't get file access property listcan't copy file access property listcan't set initial metadata cache resize config.can't set data cache element sizecan't set data cache byte sizecan't set garbage collect referencecan't set 'small data' cache sizecan't set 'latest format' flagcan't free the old driver informationunable to increment ref count on VFL drivercan't get file handle for file drivercan't allocate top file structurecan't allocate shared file structurecan't get byte number for addresscan't get byte number for object sizeunable to get rank for btree internal nodescan't get number of SOHM indexescan't get initial metadata cache resize configcan't get data cache element sizecan't get data cache cache sizecan't get garbage collect referencecan't get 'latest format' flagunable to set superblock versionunable to create metadata cacheunable to create open object data structureunable to append to list of open filesunable to close low-level file infounable to truncate a file which is already openfile is already open for read-onlyunable to create new file objectcan't get property of changing family to sec2unable to allocate file superblockunable to create/open root groupunable to write file superblockfile close degree doesn't matchmutually exclusive flags for file creationobject is not assocated with a fileobject is not associated with a fileunable to flush metadata cachecan't reset 'small data' blockunable to write superblock to fileproblem checking mount hierarchycan't close file, there are objects still opencan't close file, unknown file close degreeunable to check free space for fileH5AC_get_cache_auto_resize_config() failed.H5AC_set_cache_auto_resize_config() failed.H5AC_get_cache_hit_rate() failed.Unable to retrieve superblock extension sizeUnable to retrieve SOHM btree & heap storage infoH5F_debugcan't get userblock sizecan't get superblock version%*sFile Super Block... File name:File access flagsFile open reference count:Address of super block:%*s%-*s %a (abs) Size of userblock:%*s%-*s %Hu bytes Superblock version number:Free list version number:Shared header version number:File status flags:%*s%-*s 0x%02x Base address:Superblock extension address:%*s%-*s %a (rel) (none)/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Fdbg.cRoot group symbol table entry version number:Size of file offsets (haddr_t type):Size of file lengths (hsize_t type):Symbol table leaf node 1/2 rank:Symbol table internal node 1/2 rank:Shared object header message table address:Shared object header message version number:Number of shared object header message indexes:Address of driver information block:Root group symbol table entry:H5F_close_mountsH5F_mountH5F_unmountH5FmountH5FunmountH5F_mount_count_ids/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Fmount.cmount path cannot contain links to external filesmounted file has different file close degree than parentmemory allocation failed for mount tableunable to set group mounted flagunable to get object location for root groupunable to get path for root groupunable to reset group mounted flagunable to close unmounted groupunable to close unmounted filecan't close child groupcan't close child filefile is already mountedgroup not foundmount point not foundmount point is already in usemount would introduce a cycleunable to replace nameunable to close mounted groupunable to free mount locationnot a mount pointunable to mount fileunable to unmount fileH5F_sfile_node_tcan't find shared file infoH5F_sfile_addH5F_sfile_remove/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Fsfile.cH5F_locate_signatureH5F_super_readH5F_super_initH5F_super_writeH5F_super_ext_sizeunable to obtain EOF/EOA value/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Fsuper.cunable to find a valid file signatureunable to set EOA value for file signatureset end of space allocation request failedbad object directory version numberbad shared-header format version numberunable to set byte number in an addressbad byte number for object sizeunable to set byte number for object sizebad symbol table leaf node 1/2 rankunable to set rank for symbol table leaf nodesbad 1/2 rank for btree internal nodesunable to set rank for btree internal nodesunable to read root symbol entryunable to read driver information blockbad driver information block version numberunable to read file driver informationunable to decode driver informationbad checksum on driver information blockunable to set end-of-address marker for fileunable to open superblock extensionunable to read SOHM table informationunable to close superblock extensionunable to get superblock versionunable to allocate file space for userblock and/or superblockfile driver failed to allocate userblock and/or superblock at address zerounable to create superblock extensionunable to update v1 B-tree 'K' value header messageunable to encode driver informationunable to update driver info header messageunable to encode root group informationunable to retrieve root group informationunable to retrieve superblock extension infounable to read file signatureunable to find file signaturebad superblock version numberbad free space version numberbad byte number in an addressbad flag value for superblockNCSAfamifamilyfamily driver should be usedNCSAmultmulti driver should be usedunable to set userblock sizeunable to determine file sizetruncated fileunable to get userblock sizeunable to create SOHM tableunable to write superblockH5FD_initH5FD_init_interfaceH5FDregisterH5FD_registerH5FDunregisterH5FD_get_classH5FD_sb_sizeH5FD_sb_encodeH5FD_sb_decodeH5FD_pl_copyH5FD_pl_closeH5FD_fapl_getH5FD_fapl_openH5FD_fapl_copyH5FD_fapl_closeH5FD_dxpl_openH5FD_dxpl_copyH5FD_dxpl_closeH5FDopenH5FD_openH5FDcloseH5FD_closeH5FDcmpH5FD_cmpH5FDqueryH5FD_queryH5FDallocH5FDfreeH5FDreallocH5FDget_eoaH5FD_get_eoaH5FDset_eoaH5FD_set_eoaH5FDget_eofH5FD_get_eofH5FD_get_maxaddrH5FDreadH5FD_readH5FDwriteH5FD_writeH5FDflushH5FD_flushH5FD_get_filenoH5FDget_vfd_handleH5FD_get_vfd_handle/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5FD.cnull class pointer is disallowed`open' and/or `close' methods are not defined`get_eoa' and/or `set_eoa' methods are not defined`get_eof' method is not defined`read' and/or `write' method is not definedunable to register file driver IDmemory allocation failed for file driver class structunable to unregister file drivernot a driver id, file access property list or data transfer property listdriver sb_encode request faileddriver sb_decode request failedproperty list allocation failedno way to copy driver property listcan't decrement reference count for drivercan't copy driver file access property listdriver fapl_free request failedcan't copy driver data transfer property listnot a file access property listinvalid driver ID in file access property listfile driver has no `open' methodcan't get meta data block sizecan't get 'small data' block sizeunable to get file serial numbercan't release file space free listnot a data transfer property listunable to allocate file memoryfile deallocation request failedfile reallocation request failedunable to allocate metadata accumulator bufferfile driver has no `get_vfd_handle' methodinvalid free-list mappingnot a file drivercan't find object for IDcan't get driver IDvfl_idproperty list copy faileddriver free request failedcan't copy VFL driver infocan't set driver IDcan't set driver infonot a driver IDcan't increment VFL driver IDcan't copy VFL drivercan't set VFL driver IDvfl_infocan't set VFL driver infozero format address rangeunable to query file driverinvalid file pointercan't close driver IDinvalid request typezero-size requestinvalid file typefile get eoa request failedinvalid end-of-address valuefile set eoa request faileddriver set_eoa request failedfile get eof request faileddriver get_eof request failednull result bufferfile read request faileddriver read request faileddriver write request failednull bufferfile write request failedfile flush request faileddriver flush request failedcoreincorrect VFL driverbad VFL driver infobogus maxaddrmaxaddr overflowunable to fstat fileunable to read fileaddress overflowfile handle not validfile address overflowederror writing backing store: i i n o p q q r _s {u `x H5FD_core_initH5Pset_fapl_coreH5Pget_fapl_coreH5FD_core_fapl_getH5FD_core_openH5FD_core_closeH5FD_core_cmpH5FD_core_get_eoaH5FD_core_set_eoaH5FD_core_get_eofH5FD_core_get_handleH5FD_core_readH5FD_core_writeH5FD_core_flush/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5FDcore.cunable to allocate file structunable to allocate memory blockerror seeking in backing storenot a file access listfamily_newsizefile names not uniqueunable to reallocate membersunable to open member fileunable to close member filesunable to set file eoafamily_offsetmember file read failedmember file write failedunable to flush member files±   ̆  s Հ  p  s  e    % _ p   H5FD_family_initH5Pset_fapl_familyH5Pget_fapl_familyH5FD_family_fapl_getH5FD_family_fapl_copyH5FD_family_fapl_freeH5FD_family_dxpl_copyH5FD_family_dxpl_freeH5FD_family_sb_sizeH5FD_family_sb_decodeH5FD_family_openH5FD_family_closeH5FD_family_cmpH5FD_family_queryH5FD_family_get_eoaH5FD_family_set_eoaH5FD_family_get_eofH5FD_family_get_handleH5FD_family_readH5FD_family_writeH5FD_family_flush/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5FDfamily.cfamily member size should be %lu, is %lucan't get new family member sizecan't get offset for family driveroffset is bigger than file sizeH5FD_MEM_DEFAULTH5FD_MEM_SUPERH5FD_MEM_BTREEH5FD_MEM_DRAWH5FD_MEM_GHEAPH5FD_MEM_LHEAPH5FD_MEM_OHDRlogClose took: (%f s) addr undefinedSeek: From %10a To %10a Seek: From %10a To %10a     (  ^ k     :  ?  H5FD_log_initH5Pset_fapl_logH5FD_log_fapl_getH5FD_log_fapl_copyH5FD_log_fapl_freeH5FD_log_openH5FD_log_closeH5FD_log_cmpH5FD_log_queryH5FD_log_allocH5FD_log_get_eoaH5FD_log_set_eoaH5FD_log_get_eofH5FD_log_get_handleH5FD_log_readH5FD_log_writeH5FD_log_flush/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5FDlog.cunable to allocate log file nameDumping write I/O information: Addr %10a-%10a (%10lu bytes) written to %3d times Dumping read I/O information: Addr %10a-%10a (%10lu bytes) read from %3d times Dumping I/O flavor information: Addr %10a-%10a (%10lu bytes) flavor is %s %10a-%10a (%10Hu bytes) (%s) Allocated %10a-%10a (%10Zu bytes) (%s) Read unable to seek to proper positionError! Writing: %10a-%10a (%10Zu bytes) %10a-%10a (%10Zu bytes) (%s) Written$tI%%s%s%s.rawXsbrgloH5FDset_fapl_multinot an access listfile resource type incorrect%%s-%c.h5file resource type not setH5FDget_fapl_multiH5FDset_dxpl_multiinvalid pointerH5FDget_dxpl_multiH5FD_multi_sb_encodecan't convert superblock infoH5FD_multi_sb_decodeinvalid multi superblock old value: %s%d new value: H5FD_MULTI: close member %d compute_next() failedopen_members() failedset_eoa() failedH5FD_multi_fapl_copyinvalid freespace objectsH5FD_multi_fapl_freeH5FD_multi_dxpl_copyH5FD_multi_dxpl_freeH5FD_multi_opencan't set property valueH5FD_multi_closeH5FD_MULTI: close failed error closing member filesH5FD_multi_eofmember file has unknown eoabad eoaH5FD_multi_set_eoamember H5FDset_eoa failedmember file has unknown eofbad eofH5FD_multi_get_handledata type is out of rangeH5FD_multi_allocmember file can't allocH5FD_multi_flusherror flushing member files(H5FD_multi)open_memberserror opening member filesN      g )   o  s h "    a   < /home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5FDmulti.cfile resource type out of rangeH5FD_MULTI: member map override H5FD_MULTI: closing member %d can't get data type for multi driverH5FD_MULTI: open member %d "%s" H5FD_MULTI: open failed for member %d H5FD_sec2_t )  3 @  L   J   H5FD_sec2_initH5Pset_fapl_sec2H5FD_sec2_openH5FD_sec2_closeH5FD_sec2_cmpH5FD_sec2_queryH5FD_sec2_get_eoaH5FD_sec2_set_eoaH5FD_sec2_get_eofH5FD_sec2_get_handleH5FD_sec2_readH5FD_sec2_writeH5FD_sec2_flush/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5FDsec2.cunable to extend file properlyH5FD_free_tmeta_accum_blkcan't allocate metadatacan't allocate raw datafree block allocation failedcan't free aggregation blockcan't allocate file spacecan't free aggregator blockinvalid regionunable to move file blockcan't extend blockH5FD_allocH5FD_alloc_from_free_listH5FD_aggr_allocH5FD_aggr_resetH5FD_real_allocH5FD_update_eoaH5FD_freeH5FD_reallocH5FD_can_extendH5FD_extendH5FD_get_freespace/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5FDspace.ccan't allocate aggregation blockdriver allocation request faileddriver eoa update request failedfile allocation request failedcan't allocate node for free space infoMulti driver doesn't support this functionH5FDset_fapl_stdioH5FD_stdio_openmaxaddr too largewb+rb+rbfopen failedH5FD_stdio_closefclose failedH5FD_stdio_allocH5FD_stdio_get_handleget handle failedH5FD_stdio_readfseek failedfread failedH5FD_stdio_writefwrite failedH5FD_stdio_flushfflush failedeoa>eof! :8 = = X> l>  ? >? i? ? *@ D 2G /home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5FDstdio.cfile doesn't exist and CREAT wasn't specifiedfile exists but CREAT and EXCL were specifiedH5FL_fac_head_tH5FL_blk_node_tcan't initialize 'block' listcan't release block free listH5FL_mallocH5FL_reg_freeH5FL_reg_mallocH5FL_reg_initH5FL_reg_callocH5FL_reg_gcH5FL_blk_free_block_availH5FL_blk_mallocH5FL_blk_initH5FL_blk_callocH5FL_blk_freeH5FL_blk_create_listH5FL_blk_reallocH5FL_blk_gcH5FL_arr_initH5FL_arr_freeH5FL_arr_mallocH5FL_arr_callocH5FL_arr_reallocH5FL_arr_gcH5FL_seq_mallocH5FL_seq_callocH5FL_seq_reallocH5FL_fac_initH5FL_fac_mallocH5FL_fac_callocH5FL_fac_termH5FL_blk_unlinkH5FL_garbage_collH5FL_set_free_list_limitsgarbage collection failed during allocation/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5FL.cmemory allocation failed for chunkgarbage collection failed during freecan't initialize 'regular' blocksmemory allocation failed for chunk infomemory allocation failed for blockcan't initialize 'array' blocksmemory allocation failed for factory objectfactory still has objects allocatedH5FO_open_obj_tH5FO_obj_count_tcan't delete object from filecan't decrement ref. countH5FO_createH5FO_insertH5FO_deleteH5FO_destH5FO_top_createH5FO_top_incrH5FO_top_decrH5FO_top_destunable to create open object container/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5FO.ccan't insert object into containercan't remove object from containerobjects still in open object info setcan't close open object info setH5FS_debugH5FS_sect_debugH5FS_sects_debugunable to load free space header/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5FSdbg.cTotal number of free space sections tracked:Number of serializable free space sections tracked:Number of ghost free space sections tracked:Number of free space section classes:# of bits for section address space:Serialized sections size used:Serialized sections size allocated:unable to release free space headercan't dump section's debugging infounable to dump fractal heap free space sections%*sFree Space Header... Fractal heapUnknownFree space client:Total free space tracked:Shrink percent:%*s%-*s %u%% Expand percent:Maximum section size:Serialized sections address:%*sFree Space Sections... Unknown client! H5G_tH5G_shared_tH5_obj_tunable to create groupunable to register groupunable to release groupunable to open groupnot a groupunable to read object headercan't get group infocan't set group infocan't get link infocan't set link infoinvalid argumentcan't retrieve group infono name specifiedunable to close groupunable to create group entryunable to open root groupcan't get object typeproblem attempting file closecan't free group entry nameerror iterating over linksunable to get info for linkcan't allocate path stringunable to get object infocan't allocate object nodecan't visit linksH5Gcreate2H5G_create_namedH5Gcreate_anonH5Gopen2H5Gget_create_plistH5Gget_infoH5Gget_info_by_nameH5Gget_info_by_idxH5GcloseH5G_initH5G_init_interfaceH5G_mkrootH5G_createH5G_open_nameH5G_openH5G_open_oidH5G_closeH5G_freeH5G_free_grp_nameH5G_iterateH5G_iterate_cbH5G_visit_cbH5G_visit/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5G.cnot link creation property listnot group create property listnot group access property listunable to create and link to groupcan't get default group creation property listunable to copy the creation property listcan't get object creation infounable to create group node infointernal error (wrong link count)can't copy group object locationunable to create group object headercan't insert group into list of open objectscan't allocate space for groupcan't remove group from list of open objectscan't insert object node into visited listcan't allocate path name buffercan't create skip list for visited objects & L j ް  ` ͱ   _   H5G_dense_fh_name_cmpcan't decode linklink found callback failed%*s%-*s {%lx, %02x%s%*s%-*s {%Hu, /home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Gbtree2.cH5G_ent_decode_vecH5G_ent_encode_vecH5G_ent_convertcan't decodecan't encodeunrecognized link type%*s%-*s %lu Object header address:YesNoDirty:Cache info type:%*s%-*s Nothing Cached Symbol Table Cached entry information:B-tree address:Heap address:Symbolic Link Cached information:Link value offset:Link value:*** Unknown symbol type %d /home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Gent.cunable to insert symbol name into heapunable to write link value to local heapName offset into private heap:Warning: Invalid heap address given, name not displayed!H5G_link_to_infoH5G_link_to_locH5G_link_copy_fileH5G_link_iterate_tableH5G_link_release_tableH5G_link_name_replaceunknown link classunknown link typecannot set nameunable to copy messageunable to copy object/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Glink.cquery buffer size callback returned failureunable to release link messageH5G_loc: d       :   U U U H5G_loc_rootH5G_loc_copyH5G_loc_resetH5G_loc_freeH5G_loc_find_cbH5G_loc_findH5G_loc_find_by_idx_cbH5G_loc_find_by_idxH5G_loc_insertH5G_loc_infoH5G_loc_info_cbH5G_loc_set_comment_cbH5G_loc_set_commentH5G_loc_get_commentH5G_loc_get_comment_cbinvalid file IDinvalid group IDunable to get path of groupinvalid type IDinvalid data IDunable to get path of datasetinvalid attribute IDinvalid object IDunable to reset entryunable to reset pathunable to free pathcan't find objectgroup doesn't existlink not foundspecial link traversal failedunable to insert objectname doesn't existcan't get object info/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Gloc.cunable to create location for fileunable to get group location of property listunable to get group location of error class, message or stackunable to get object location of groupunable to get object location of datatypeunable to get path of datatypeunable to get group location of dataspaceunable to get object location of datasetunable to get object location of attributeunable to get path of attributeunable to get group location of referenceunable to free object header locationcannot initialize object locationunable to set comment object header messagehaddr_tcan't build user path namecan't retrieve file IDcan't determine nameinvalid operationnot valid object typebad group locationH5G_build_fullpathH5G_name_setH5G_get_nameH5G_name_move_pathH5G_name_replace_cbH5G_name_replaceH5G_get_name_by_addr_cbH5G_get_name_by_addr/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Gname.ccan't get root group's locationgroup traversal failed while looking for object name    N H5G_node_loadH5G_node_flushH5G_node_serializeH5G_node_clearH5G_node_createH5G_node_foundH5G_node_insertH5G_node_removeH5G_node_iterateH5G_node_sumupH5G_node_by_idxH5G_node_initH5G_node_copyH5G_node_build_tableH5G_node_debugH5G_node_tH5G_entry_t_seqgrp_page_blkHeap offset:bad symbol table node versionnode serialization failedcan't serializeunable to allocate file spaceiterator callback failedunable to convert linkname not foundunable to get link nameunable to get object type'by index' callback failedunable to protect symbol nameunable to insert the nameunable to debug B-tree node%*sSymbol Table Node... Size of Node (in bytes):Number of Symbols:%*s%-*s %u of %u %*sSymbol %u: %*s%-*s `%s' Cannot get name; heap address not specified /home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Gnode.cunable to read symbol table nodebad symbol table node signatureunable to decode symbol table entriesunable to destroy symbol table nodeunable to write symbol table node to the fileunable to cache symbol table leaf nodeunable to protect symbol table nodeunable to release symbol table nodeunable to split symbol table nodesymbol is already present in symbol tableunable to decrement object link countunable to remove soft link from local heapunable to remove link name from local heapunable to free symbol table nodeunable to load symbol table nodeunable to convert symbol table entry to linkunable to unprotect symbol nameunable to protect symbol table heapunable to unprotect symbol table heapH5G_obj_createH5G_obj_get_linfoH5G_obj_insertH5G_obj_stab_to_new_cbH5G_obj_compact_to_dense_cbH5G_obj_iterateH5G_obj_infoH5G_obj_get_name_by_idxH5G_obj_remove_update_linfoH5G_obj_removeH5G_obj_remove_by_idxH5G_obj_lookupH5G_obj_lookup_by_idxmust track creation order to create index for it/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Gobj.ccan't retrieve # of links for objectunable to create 'dense' form of new format groupunable to delete link messageserror iterating over old format linksunable to delete old format link storageunable to insert link into groupunable to insert entry into symbol tableunable to insert link into dense storageunable to insert link as link messagecan't update link info messageunable to increment hard link countcreation order not tracked for links in groupcan't iterate over dense linkscan't iterate over compact linksno creation order index to querycan't iterate over symbol tableunable to delete dense link storagecan't create headercan't create messageunable to create symbol tablelink info message not presentcan't get link sizecan't insert link into groupindex out of boundcan't count objectscan't locate nameunable to release link tablecan't remove objectunable to update link infocan't locate objectH5G_stab_create_componentsH5G_stab_createH5G_stab_insert_realH5G_stab_insertH5G_stab_removeH5G_stab_remove_by_idxH5G_stab_deleteH5G_stab_iterateH5G_stab_countH5G_stab_bh_sizeH5G_stab_get_name_by_idxH5G_stab_lookupH5G_stab_lookup_cbH5G_stab_lookup_by_idxH5G_stab_lookup_by_idx_cbH5G_stab_get_type_by_idxH5G_stab_get_type_by_idx_cbcan't create heapcan't insert name into heapunable to insert entrynot a symbol tablecan't get link informationinvalid index specifiedunable to build link tableerror sorting link messagescan't read message/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Gstab.ccan't create symbol table componentsunable to delete symbol table B-treeunable to delete symbol table heapunable to determine local heap addressH5G_traverse_udH5G_traverse_slinkH5G_traverse_link_cbH5G_traverse_mountH5G_traverse_specialH5G_traverse_realH5G_traverseunable to get UD link classunable to copy property listmax soft linkscan't set nlink infocouldn't get file from IDunable to hold file opencomponent not foundtoo many linksmount point traversal failedunable to copy locationunable to reset locationtraversal operator failedno name givenno starting locationno operation providedcan't get number of links/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Gtraverse.cunable to copy object locationunable to get default property listunable to get property list from IDtraversal callback returned invalid IDunable to get object location from group IDunable to get object location from dataset IDunable to get object location from datatype IDunable to get root group location from file IDnot a valid location or object IDunable to close atom from UD callbackunable to close atom for current locationunable to close copied link access property listunable to follow symbolic linksymbolic link traversal faileduser-defined link traversal failedunable to allocate component bufferunable to insert intermediate groupinternal path traversal failedH5HF_tcan't insert 0-sized objectsincorrect heap ID versioncan't release free space infocan't reset block iteratorunable to delete fractal heapH5HF_createH5HF_openH5HF_insertH5HF_get_obj_lenH5HF_readH5HF_writeH5HF_opH5HF_removeH5HF_closeH5HF_deletecan't create fractal heap header/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HF.cmemory allocation failed for fractal heap infounable to load fractal heap headercan't increment reference count on shared heap headercan't increment file reference count on shared heap headerunable to release fractal heap headercan't open fractal heap pending deletioncan't store 'huge' object in fractal heapcan't store 'tiny' object in fractal heap'write once' managed blocks not supported yetcan't store 'managed' object in fractal heapcan't get 'huge' object's lengthcan't get 'tiny' object's length%s: Heap ID type not supported yet! heap ID type not supported yetcan't read object from fractal heapcan't read 'huge' object from fractal heapcan't read 'tiny' object from fractal heapcan't write to 'managed' heap objectcan't write to 'huge' heap objectmodifying 'tiny' object not supported yetcan't operate on object from fractal heapcan't operate on 'huge' object from fractal heapcan't operate on 'tiny' object from fractal heapcan't remove object from fractal heapcan't remove 'huge' object from fractal heapcan't remove 'tiny' object from fractal heapcan't release 'huge' object infocan't decrement reference count on shared heap header  8 G  Q $6 P j y  ݔ  Օ  i L  s      H5HF_huge_bt2_indir_removeH5HF_huge_bt2_filt_indir_removeH5HF_huge_bt2_dir_removeH5HF_huge_bt2_filt_dir_removeunable to free space for huge object on disk/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HFbtree2.c%*s%-*s {%a, %Hu, %x, %Hu, %Hu} %*s%-*s {%a, %Hu, %Hu} %*s%-*s {%a, %Hu} %*s%-*s {%a, %Hu, %x, %Hu}      3 2 {      6  I  O ?  H5HF_cache_hdr_loadH5HF_cache_hdr_flushH5HF_cache_hdr_clearH5HF_cache_iblock_loadH5HF_cache_iblock_flushH5HF_cache_iblock_destH5HF_cache_iblock_clearH5HF_cache_dblock_loadH5HF_cache_dblock_flushH5HF_cache_dblock_destH5HF_cache_dblock_cleardirect_block_blkunable to move direct block/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HFcache.ccan't read fractal heap headerwrong fractal heap header signaturewrong fractal heap header versionunable to encode managed obj. doubling table infocan't read fractal heap header's I/O pipeline filter infocan't decode I/O pipeline filterscan't copy I/O filter pipelineincorrect metadata checksum for fractal heap headercan't finish initializing shared fractal heap headercan't encode I/O pipeline fitersunable to save fractal heap header to diskunable to destroy fractal heap headercan't read fractal heap indirect blockwrong fractal heap indirect block signaturewrong fractal heap direct block versionincorrect heap header address for direct blockcan't increment reference count on shared indirect blockmemory allocation failed for direct entriesmemory allocation failed for block entriesincorrect metadata checksum for fractal heap indirect blockunable to save fractal heap indirect block to diskunable to destroy fractal heap indirect blockcan't decrement reference count on shared indirect blockmemory allocation failed for pipeline buffercan't read fractal heap direct blockwrong fractal heap direct block signatureincorrect metadata checksum for fractal heap direct blockunable to free fractal heap direct blockfile allocation failed for fractal heap direct blockcan't mark heap header as dirtyunable to save fractal heap direct block to diskunable to destroy fractal heap direct block    H5HF_hdr_debugH5HF_dblock_debugH5HF_iblock_debugH5HF_sects_debug_cbH5HF_sects_debugDoubling table width:Starting block size:Max. direct block size:Max. index size:%*s%-*s %u (bits) Table's root address:# of IDs in first row:%*sFractal Heap Header... IndirectDirectHeap is:%*s%-*s %t 'Write once' flag:Free space in managed blocks:Max. size of managed object:'Huge' object space used:ID of next 'huge' object:'Tiny' object space used:%*sI/O filter Info... %*s%-*s %x Size of block header:Size of block offsets:%*s %*s%-*s %.2f%% Section #%u:%*s%-*s %8Zu, %8Zu Size of indirect block:Current # of rows:Max. # of rows:Max direct block rows:Row #%u: (block size: %lu)Col #%u:%*s%-*s %9a/%6Zu/%x %*s%-*s %9a %*sIndirect Block Entries: Row #%u: (# of rows: %u)singlefirst rownormal rowunknownSection type:Section address:Section size:Starting # of rows in root indirect block:Current # of rows in root indirect block:Max. # of rows in root indirect block:Max. # of direct rows in any indirect block:# of bits for IDs in first row:/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HFdbg.cObjects stored in 'debugging' format:'Huge' object IDs have wrapped:Managed space data block size:Total managed space allocated:Offset of managed space iterator:Number of managed objects in heap:Address of free space manager for managed blocks:Number of 'huge' objects in heap:Address of v2 B-tree for 'huge' objects:Number of 'tiny' objects in heap:%*sManaged Objects Doubling-Table Info... Compressed size of root direct block:Filter mask for root direct block:unable to load fractal heap direct block%*sFractal Heap Direct Block... Address of fractal heap that owns this block:Offset of direct block in heap:can't initialize heap free space%*sFree Blocks (offset, size): can't iterate over heap's free spacePercent of available space for data used:unable to release fractal heap direct block***THAT FREE BLOCK OVERLAPPED A PREVIOUS ONE! unable to load fractal heap indirect block%*sFractal Heap Indirect Block... Offset of indirect block in heap:%*sDirect Block Entries: (address/compressed size/filter mask) %*sDirect Block Entries: (address) B    H5HF_man_dblock_createH5HF_man_dblock_destroyH5HF_man_dblock_newH5HF_man_dblock_protectH5HF_man_dblock_locateH5HF_man_dblock_deleteH5HF_direct_tcan't make heap emptymemory allocation failed for fractal heap direct block/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HFdblock.ccan't attach direct block to parent indirect blockcan't create section for new direct block's free spacecan't add direct block free space to global listcan't add fractal heap direct block to cachecan't increase allocated heap sizecan't reverse 'next block' iteratorcan't detach from parent indirect blockcan't allocate fractal heap direct blockcan't increase space to cover root direct blockunable to update block iteratorunable to retrieve current block iterator location%s: Skipping direct block sizes not supported, min_dblock_size = %Zu, next_size = %Zu skipping direct block sizes not supported yetcan't increment 'next block' iteratorunable to protect fractal heap direct blockcan't compute row & column of objectunable to protect fractal heap indirect blockcan't allocate fractal heap indirect blockunable to release fractal heap indirect blockunable to check metadata cache status for direct blockunable to remove direct block from cache    H5HF_dtable_initcan't create doubling table block size table/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HFdtable.ccan't create doubling table block offset tablecan't create doubling table total direct block free space tablecan't create doubling table max. direct block free space table    H5HF_hdr_allocH5HF_hdr_finish_init_phase1H5HF_hdr_finish_init_phase2H5HF_hdr_finish_initH5HF_hdr_createH5HF_hdr_incrH5HF_hdr_decrH5HF_hdr_dirtyH5HF_hdr_adj_freeH5HF_hdr_adjust_heapH5HF_hdr_start_iterH5HF_hdr_reset_iterH5HF_hdr_skip_blocksH5HF_hdr_update_iterH5HF_hdr_inc_iterH5HF_hdr_reverse_iterH5HF_hdr_emptyH5HF_hdr_deleteH5HF_hdr_tcan't mark header as dirtymemory allocation failed for fractal heap shared header/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HFhdr.ccan't initialize doubling table infocan't initialize space search block iteratorcan't initialize info for tracking huge objectscan't initialize info for tracking tiny objectscan't finish phase #1 of header final initializationcan't finish phase #2 of header final initializationcan't allocate space for shared heap infocan't get I/O filter pipeline sizeID length not large enough to hold object IDsID length too large to store tiny object lengthsmax. direct block size not large enough to hold all managed blocksfile allocation failed for fractal heap headercan't add fractal heap header to cacheunable to pin fractal heap headerunable to unpin fractal heap headerunable to mark fractal heap header as dirtycan't initialize block iteratorcan't create indirect section for indirect block's free spaceunable to create root indirect blockunable to set block iterator locationcan't add skipped blocks to heap's free spaceunable to advance current block iterator locationcan't advance fractal heap block locationunable to double root indirect blockunable to retrieve current block iterator informationunable to move current block iterator location upunable to set current block iterator locationunable to release fractal heap free space managerunable to release fractal heap root direct blockunable to release fractal heap root indirect blockunable to release fractal heap 'huge' objects and trackerH5HF_huge_insertH5HF_huge_bt2_createH5HF_huge_new_idH5HF_huge_get_obj_lenH5HF_huge_op_realH5HF_huge_writeH5HF_huge_readH5HF_huge_opH5HF_huge_removeH5HF_huge_termH5HF_huge_deletecan't create v2 B-tree for tracking 'huge' heap objects/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HFhuge.cfile allocation failed for fractal heap huge objectwriting 'huge' object to file failedcouldn't insert object tracking record in v2 B-treewrapping 'huge' object IDs not supported yetcan't generate new ID for objectcan't read 'huge' object's data from the filemodifying 'huge' object with filters not supported yetunable to operate on heap objectcan't remove object from B-treecan't find object in B-treeinput filter failedapplication's callback failedcan't delete v2 B-tree    H5HF_iblock_incrH5HF_iblock_pinH5HF_iblock_decrH5HF_iblock_unpinH5HF_iblock_dirtyH5HF_man_iblock_root_createH5HF_man_iblock_root_doubleH5HF_man_iblock_root_halveH5HF_man_iblock_root_revertH5HF_man_iblock_alloc_rowH5HF_man_iblock_createH5HF_man_iblock_protectH5HF_man_iblock_unprotectH5HF_man_iblock_attachH5HF_man_iblock_detachH5HF_man_iblock_deleteH5HF_man_iblock_sizeH5HF_indirect_tH5HF_indirect_ent_t_seqH5HF_indirect_filt_ent_t_seqH5HF_indirect_ptr_t_seqcan't revive indirect sectioncan't reduce row section nodeunable to pin fractal heap indirect block/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HFiblock.cunable to unpin fractal heap indirect blockunable to free fractal heap indirect block disk spaceunable to remove indirect block from cacheunable to mark fractal heap indirect block as dirtycan't attach root direct block to parent indirect blockcan't mark indirect block as dirtyunable to free fractal heap indirect block file spacefile allocation failed for fractal heap indirect blockunable to move fractal heap root indirect blockmemory allocation failed for filtered direct entriescan't reduce space to cover root direct blockcan't detach direct block from parent indirect blockcan't retrieve indirect block for row sectionmemory allocation failed for fractal heap indirect blockcan't attach indirect block to parent indirect blockcan't add fractal heap indirect block to cachecan't convert root indirect block back to root direct blockcan't reduce size of root indirect blockunable to release fractal heap child direct blockunable to free fractal heap indirect blockunable to release fractal heap child indirect blockunable to get fractal heap storage info for indirect block    H5HF_man_iter_start_offsetH5HF_man_iter_start_entryH5HF_man_iter_resetH5HF_man_iter_upH5HF_man_iter_downH5HF_block_loc_tmemory allocation failed for direct block free list section/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HFiter.c    H5HF_man_insertH5HF_man_op_realH5HF_man_readH5HF_man_writeH5HF_man_opH5HF_man_removecan't locate free space in fractal heap/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HFman.ccan't create fractal heap direct blockcan't revive single free sectioncan't retrieve direct block informationcan't reduce single section nodecan't adjust free space for heapfractal heap object offset too largefractal heap object size too large for direct blockfractal heap object should be standalonecan't compute row & column of sectionfractal heap ID not in allocated direct blockobject located in prefix of direct blockobject overruns end of direct blockcan't create section for direct block's free spacecan't break up row section    H5HF_sect_single_newH5HF_sect_node_newH5HF_sect_single_locate_parentH5HF_sect_single_reviveH5HF_sect_single_dblock_infoH5HF_sect_single_reduceH5HF_sect_single_full_dblockH5HF_sect_single_addH5HF_sect_single_deserializeH5HF_sect_single_mergeH5HF_sect_single_shrinkH5HF_sect_single_freeH5HF_sect_node_freeH5HF_sect_row_createH5HF_sect_row_from_singleH5HF_sect_row_reviveH5HF_sect_row_reduceH5HF_sect_row_init_clsH5HF_sect_init_clsH5HF_sect_row_term_clsH5HF_sect_term_clsH5HF_sect_row_serializeH5HF_sect_row_deserializeH5HF_sect_row_mergeH5HF_sect_row_shrinkH5HF_sect_row_free_realH5HF_sect_row_freeH5HF_sect_indirect_init_clsH5HF_sect_indirect_term_clsH5HF_sect_indirect_newH5HF_sect_indirect_for_rowH5HF_sect_indirect_init_rowsH5HF_sect_indirect_addH5HF_sect_indirect_decrH5HF_sect_indirect_revive_rowH5HF_sect_indirect_reviveH5HF_sect_indirect_reduce_rowH5HF_sect_row_firstH5HF_sect_indirect_reduceH5HF_sect_indirect_firstH5HF_sect_indirect_merge_rowH5HF_sect_indirect_build_parentH5HF_sect_indirect_shrinkH5HF_sect_indirect_serializeH5HF_sect_indirect_deserializeH5HF_sect_indirect_freeH5HF_free_section_tcan't release direct blockcan't free section nodecan't free row section nodecan't detach section nodeRow:Column:Number of entries:Underlying indirect section:can't create indirect sectioncan't free row sectioncan't free child section node/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HFsection.cmemory allocation failed for single sectioncan't decrement reference count on parent indirect blockcan't decrement reference count on section's indirect blockcan't get section's parent infocan't free single section nodecan't re-add single section to free space managercan't convert single section into row sectioncan't check/convert single sectionallocation failed for direct block free list sectionmemory allocation failed for row sectionserializing row section not supported yetcan't reduce underlying sectioncan't re-add indirect section to free space managercan't initialize common section classcan't terminate common section classcan't serialize row section's underlying indirect sectioncan't deserialize row section's underlying indirect sectioncan't shrink underlying indirect sectioncan't merge underlying indirect sectionsmemory allocation failed for indirect sectionallocation failed for row section pointer arraycan't free indirect section nodeallocation failed for indirect section pointer arraycreation failed for child row sectioncan't add row section to free spaceunable to retrieve child indirect block's addresscan't initialize indirect sectioncan't decrement ref. count on parent indirect sectioncan't reduce parent indirect sectioncan't make new 'first row' for indirect sectioncan't set row section to be first rowcan't make new 'first row' for child indirect sectioncan't make new 'first row' for peer indirect sectioncan't decrement section's ref. count can't set child indirect section to be first rowcan't re-add second row section to free spacecan't create parent for full indirect sectioncan't remove section from heap free spacecan't serialize indirect section's parent indirect sectionH5HF_space_startH5HF_space_addH5HF_space_findH5HF_space_sizeH5HF_space_removeH5HF_space_closeH5HF_space_deleteH5HF_space_sect_change_classcan't initialize free space info/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HFspace.ccan't add section to heap free spacecan't retrieve FS meta storage infocan't query free space section countcan't delete to free space managercan't modify class of free space sectioncan't delete free space infoH5HF_tiny_insertH5HF_tiny_readH5HF_tiny_op_realH5HF_tiny_opH5HF_tiny_remove/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HFtiny.cH5HG_debugunable to load global heap collection/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HGdbg.cTotal collection size in file:Objects defined/allocated/max:%*sGlobal Heap Collection... %*s%-*s %d %*s%-*s %u/%lu/NA Free space:Object %u%*s%s Reference count:Size of object body:%*s%-*s %lu/%lu %*s%04d: %02x W  B   H5HL_createH5HL_loadH5HL_minimize_heap_spaceH5HL_flushH5HL_clearH5HL_protectH5HL_unprotectH5HL_insertH5HL_removeH5HL_deleteH5HL_get_sizeH5HL_heapsizeH5HL_free_tH5HL_theap_chunk_blkunable to cache heapunable to read heap headerbad heap signaturebad heap free listunable to read heap datafree block size is zero?unable to load heapunable to mark heap as dirtycan't extend heap on diskheap size minimization failedunable to release local heap/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HL.cunable to destroy local heap collectionwrong version number in global heapunable to allocate file space for heapunable to serialize local heapunable to write heap header and data to fileunable to write heap header to fileunable to write heap data to fileunable to check whether heap can be extendedunable to free contiguous local heapunable to free local heap headerunable to free local heap dataH5HL_debug%*sLocal Heap... Header size (in bytes):Address of heap data:Block #%d:Percent of heap used:/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HLdbg.cData bytes allocated for heap:***THAT FREE BLOCK IS OUT OF BOUNDS! H5I_id_info_tinvalid hash sizeinvalid type numbersupplied type does not existno IDs available in typeidentifier has invalid typeinvalid IDcan't decrement ID ref countcan't locate IDcan't increment ID ref countcan't get ID ref countinvalid ID typecan't get ID type ref countcan't retrieve object namecan't get object locationcan't get file IDH5Iregister_typeH5I_register_typeH5Itype_existsH5InmembersH5I_nmembersH5Iclear_typeH5I_clear_typeH5Idestroy_typeH5I_destroy_typeH5IregisterH5I_registerH5I_objectH5Iobject_verifyH5I_object_verifyH5I_get_typeH5Iget_typeH5Iremove_verifyH5I_remove_verifyH5I_removeH5Idec_refH5I_dec_refH5Iinc_refH5I_inc_refH5Iget_refH5I_get_refH5Iinc_type_refH5I_inc_type_refH5Idec_type_refH5I_dec_type_refH5Iget_type_refH5I_get_type_refH5IsearchH5I_searchH5Iget_nameH5Iget_file_idH5I_get_file_id/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5I.cMaximum number of ID types exceeded.cannot call public function on library typecan't compute number of memberscan't increment ID type ref countH5L_initH5L_init_interfaceH5LmoveH5LcopyH5Lcreate_softH5Lcreate_hardH5Lcreate_udH5LdeleteH5Ldelete_by_idxH5Lget_valH5Lget_val_by_idxH5LexistsH5Lget_infoH5Lget_info_by_idxH5LregisterH5LunregisterH5Lis_registeredH5Lget_name_by_idxH5LiterateH5Literate_by_nameH5LvisitH5Lvisit_by_nameH5L_find_classH5L_registerH5L_unregisterH5L_linkH5L_link_objectH5L_link_cbH5L_create_realH5L_create_hardH5L_create_softH5L_create_udH5L_get_val_realH5L_get_valH5L_get_val_cbH5L_get_val_by_idx_cbH5L_delete_cbH5L_deleteH5L_delete_by_idx_cbH5L_move_dest_cbH5L_move_cbH5L_moveH5L_existsH5L_get_infoH5L_get_info_cbH5L_get_info_by_idx_cbH5L_get_default_lcplH5L_get_name_by_idx_cb/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5L.cunable to register external link classsource and destination should not both be H5L_SAME_LOCnot a link creation property listsource and destination should not be both H5L_SAME_LOCsource and destination should be in the same file.invalid H5L_class_t version numberinvalid link identification numberno traversal function specifiedunable to unregister link typeno callback operator specifiedunable to extend link type tableunable to create new link to objectinterfile hard links are not allowedcan't get property value for character encodingunable to create new link for objectunable to get class of UD linkunable to register ID for groupunable to close group given to UD callbackcan't get property value for creating missing groupslink class has not been registered with libraryunable to register new name for objectquery callback returned failureobject is not a symbolic or user-defined linkunable to remove link from groupan object with that name already existsmoving a link across files is not allowedUD copy callback returned errorUD move callback returned errorthe name of a link must be supplied to move or copyunable to copy link to be movedcan't build destination path nameunable to copy access propertiesno current name specifiedno destination name specifiedunable to move linkno target specifiedno new name specifiedunable to create linkno link name specifiedunable to delete linkunable to get link valueunable to get link infoinvalid link classunable to register link typeinvalid link typeinvalid link type id numberno operator specifiedlink iteration failedlink visitation failedunable to find link classlink class is not registeredname already existsunable to create objectlink creation callback failedcan't normalize nameintermediate_groupcan't insert linksource object not foundunable to free locationcan't retrieve link valuecan't delete selfcan't unlink objectunable to register group IDunable to remove old namenot a valid access PLunable to find linkpath doesn't existexternalbad flags for external linkHDF5_EXT_PREFIXexternal link prefixunable to open external fileproblem closing external fileno object name specified@j!  H5L_build_nameH5L_extern_traverseH5L_extern_queryH5Lcreate_externalH5L_register_externalH5Lunpack_elink_valunable to allocate filename buffer/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Lexternal.cbad version number for external linkcan't get external link prefixcan't prepend prefix to filenameunable to close atom for file access property listunable to close atom for external objectunable to allocate udata buffernot an external link linkval buffernot a valid external link bufferlinkval buffer is not NULL-terminatedlinkval buffer doesn't contain an object pathH5MF_allocH5MF_reallocH5MF_can_extendH5MF_extendfile is read-only/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5MF.cunable to allocate new file memoryH5MM_strdupnull string/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5MM.c!!!@!`!!@!@!!!!z! !!`!! !!!`!@x!! !`"""H5OopenH5Oopen_by_idxH5Oopen_by_addrH5OlinkH5Oincr_refcountH5Odecr_refcountH5Oget_infoH5Oget_info_by_nameH5Oget_info_by_idxH5Oset_commentH5Oset_comment_by_nameH5Oget_commentH5Oget_comment_by_nameH5OvisitH5Ovisit_by_nameH5OcloseH5O_createH5O_openH5O_open_nameH5O_open_by_locH5O_closeH5O_linkH5O_protectH5O_unprotectH5O_touch_ohH5O_touchH5O_deleteH5O_delete_ohH5O_obj_typeH5O_obj_classH5O_obj_class_realH5O_get_locH5O_loc_freeH5O_get_infoH5O_get_create_plistH5O_get_nlinksH5O_obj_createH5O_get_rc_and_typeH5O_visit_cbH5O_visitH5O_tH5O_mesg_t_seqH5O_chunk_t_seqchunk_image_blkno address suppliedcan't retrieve object infoobject visitation failednot a valid objectunable to close objectcan't get object header flagsmax compact attrmin dense attrunable to cache object headerunable to load object headerlink count would be negativeunable to pin object headerunable to unpin object headerunable to free object headerinvalid object typecan't set object header flagscan't visit objects/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5O.ccannot use H5L_SAME_LOC when only one location is specifiedunable to get object location from IDmodifying object link count failednot a valid file object ID (dataset, group, or datatype)can't get max. # of compact attributescan't get min. # of dense attributesfile allocation failed for object headerunable to destroy object header dataunable to determine object classproblem attempting to free locationcan't mark object for deletionunable to delete refcount messageunable to update refcount messageunable to create new refcount messageunable to allocate space for modification time messagememory allocation failed for modification time messageunable to mark object header as dirtyunable to update object modificaton timeunable to delete file space for object header messageunable to determine object typecan't retrieve group btree & heap infocan't retrieve chunked dataset btree infocan't retrieve attribute btree & heap infocan't set max. # of compact attributes in property listcan't set min. # of dense attributes in property listainfoH5O_ainfo_tbad flag value for messageNumber of attributes:Max. creation index value:w!,*,8---...~/H5O_ainfo_decodeH5O_ainfo_copyH5O_ainfo_deleteH5O_ainfo_copy_filebad version number for message/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Oainfo.cunable to free dense attribute storagedensely stored attributes not supported yetTrack creation order of attributes:Index creation order of attributes:'Dense' attribute storage fractal heap address:'Dense' attribute storage name index v2 B-tree address:'Dense' attribute storage creation order index v2 B-tree address:H5O_attr_shared_sizeH5O_attr_shared_copy_fileH5O_attr_shared_post_copy_file + dS;:?x0?@98A:1R2Q&Q8H5O_attr_decodeH5O_attr_shared_debugH5O_attr_shared_linkH5O_attr_shared_deleteH5O_attr_shared_encodeH5O_attr_shared_decodeH5O_attr_encodeH5O_attr_copyH5O_attr_deleteH5O_attr_linkH5O_attr_copy_fileH5O_attr_post_copy_fileH5O_attr_debugunable to retrieve encoded size of shared message/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Oshared.hunable to retrieve encoded size of native messageunable to copy native message to another fileunable to determine if message should be sharedunable to fix shared message in post copy/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Oattr.cbad version number for attribute messageunknown flag for attribute messagecan't decode attribute datatypecan't decode attribute dataspaceunable to display shared message infounable to display native message infounable to increment ref count for shared messageunable to increment ref count for native messageunable to decrement ref count for shared messageunable to decrement ref count for native messageunable to encode shared messageunable to encode native messageunable to decode shared messageunable to decode native messagecan't determine if datatype is sharedcan't determine if dataspace is sharedcan't encode attribute datatypecan't encode attribute dataspaceunable to adjust datatype link countunable to adjust dataspace link countunable to reset datatype sharingunable to reset dataspace sharingcan't share attribute datatypecan't share attribute dataspacememory allocation NULLed for raw data chunkunable to display datatype message infounable to display dataspace message infoelement size too largedatatype conversion NULLed%*s%-*s "%s" ASCIIUTF-8H5T_CSET_RESERVED_%dCharacter Set of Name:Initialized:Object opened:Object:Creation Index:%*sDatatype... Encoded Size:%*sDataspace... H5O_attr_to_dense_cbH5O_attr_createH5O_attr_open_by_nameH5O_attr_open_cbH5O_attr_open_by_idxH5O_attr_open_by_idx_cbH5O_attr_update_sharedH5O_attr_write_cbH5O_attr_writeH5O_attr_rename_mod_cbH5O_attr_renameH5O_attr_iterate_realH5O_attr_iterateH5O_attr_remove_updateH5O_attr_removeH5O_attr_remove_cbH5O_attr_remove_by_idxH5O_attr_existsH5O_attr_bh_infoH5O_attr_countunable to add to dense storage/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Oattribute.cunable to convert into null messagecan't determine attribute sharing statusunable to create dense storage for attributeserror converting attributes to dense storageattribute creation index can't be incrementedunable to create new attribute info messageunable to update attribute info messageunable to create new attribute in headercan't retrieve shared message ref counterror determining if message should be sharedunable to update time on objectunable to reset attribute sharingattribute changed sharing statusunable to adjust attribute link countunable to delete shared attribute in shared storageunable to update attribute in shared storageunable to release previous attributeunable to relocate renamed attribute in headerattribute with new name already existscan't locate attribute with old nameunable to release attribute tableunable to delete dense attribute storageunable to delete attribute infoerror determining if message is sharedunable to delete attribute in dense storageunable to update attribute infoerror checking for existence of attributecan't retrieve B-tree storage infoerror updating attributecan't locate attributeunable to copy attributecan't get shared messagecan't share attributecan't locate open attribute?error deleting attributeunable to open fractal heapcan't close fractal heapv1 B-tree 'K' values։! ԆouH5O_btreek_decodeH5O_btreek_copy/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Obtreek.cmemory allocation failed for v1 B-tree 'K' messagememory allocation failed for shared message table messageIndexed storage internal B-tree 'K' value:Symbol table node internal B-tree 'K' value:Symbol table node leaf 'K' value:uH}H5O_loadH5O_flushH5O_clearbad size for chunk 0bad object header chunk sizeunknown flag for messagecorrupt object headerOCHK/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Ocache.cbad object header version numberunknown object header status flag(s)bad object header attribute phase change valuesunable to read object header datawrong object header chunk signature'unknown' message ID encoded in file?!?bad flag combination for messagecan't allocate more space for messagesunknown message with 'fail if unknown' flag foundincorrect metadata checksum for object header chunkunable to flush object header messagesunable to write object header chunk to diskhdr continuationH5O_cont_tContinuation address:Continuation size in bytes:Points to chunk number:l!Ϩ H5O_cont_decodeH5O_cont_delete/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Ocont.cunable to free object header chunkH5O_addr_map_tno source name specifiedunable to get default lcplnot object copy property listunable to decode messageunable to set creation indexcannot make skip listcan't get object copy flagunable to insert link~obj_pointed_by_%lluinvalid reference typeH5OcopyH5O_copy_header_realH5O_copy_header_mapH5O_copy_headerH5O_copy_objH5O_copy_obj_by_refH5O_copy_expand_ref/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Ocopy.cdestination object already existsunable to retrieve copy user datacan't insert object into skip listunable to perform 'pre copy' operation on messageunable to copy object header messageunable to query message's shared statusunable to perform 'post copy' operation on messageunable to increment object link countUnable to read dataset region informationUnable to write dataset region informationH5O_debug_idH5O_debug_realH5O_debugunable to debug message%*sObject Header... Version:Number of links:Non-defaultDefaultEnabledDisabledTimestamps:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %ZAccess Time:Modification Time:Change Time:Birth Time:Max. compact attributes:Min. dense attributes:%*s%-*s %Zu (%Zu) Number of chunks (allocated):%*sChunk %d... Address:Size in bytes:Gap:%*sMessage %d... *** BAD MESSAGE ID 0x%04x Message ID (sequence number):%*s%-*s 0x%04x `%s' (%d) Message flags:<DSFIUMIUWUChunk number:*** BAD CHUNK NUMBER %*s%-*s (%Zu, %Zu) bytes *** BAD MESSAGE RAW ADDRESS Message Information:/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Odbg.cAttribute creation order tracked:Attribute creation order indexed:Attribute storage phase change values:*** UNKNOWN OBJECT HEADER STATUS FLAG: %02x! Number of messages (allocated):*** WRONG ADDRESS FOR CHUNK #0! *** ADDITIONAL UNKNOWN FLAGS --->Raw message data (offset, size) in chunk:%*s *** TOTAL SIZE DOES NOT MATCH ALLOCATED SIZE! Driver name:Buffer size:\ GH5O_drvinfo_decodeH5O_drvinfo_copy/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Odrvinfo.cmemory allocation failed for driver info messagememory allocation failed for driver info buffer    H5O_dtype_shared_sizeH5O_dtype_shared_copy_file 8bd    p ;H5O_dtype_decode_helperAlWIH5O_dtype_shared_debugH5O_dtype_shared_linkH5O_dtype_shared_deleteH5O_dtype_shared_encodeH5O_dtype_shared_decodeH5O_dtype_encode_helper]CAq/H5O_dtype_decodeH5O_dtype_encodeH5O_dtype_copy    ' / Q   9 R H5O_dtype_set_shareH5O_dtype_can_shareH5O_dtype_pre_copy_fileH5O_dtype_copy_fileov}bad version number for datatype message/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Odtype.cbad byte order for datatype messageunknown floating-point normalizationunable to create array datatypeunable to decode parent datatypeunable to decode VL parent typemember overlaps with previous memberbyte order is not supported in file format yetbit padding is not supported in file format yetsign scheme is not supported in file format yetnormalization scheme is not supported in file format yetunable to encode parent datatypeunable to encode VL parent typeunable to copy shared message infocan't tell if datatype is immutablecan't tell if datatype is sharedunable to decode member typeunknown datatype class foundunable to encode member typecan't decode typecan't encode typecan't copy typeunable to set locationintegerfloating-pointdate and timetext stringbit fieldopaquecompoundenumarrayvlenH5T_CLASS_%dType class:%*s%-*s %lu byte%s Number of members:Member %d:Byte offset:Base type:Raw bytes of value:%*s%-*s 0x%02xTag:Fix dumping reference types!NULL PaddedNULL TerminatedSpace PaddedH5T_STR_RESERVED_%dString Padding:sequenceH5T_VLEN_%dVlen type:H5T_LOC_%dLocation:Rank:Dim Size:%s%ubig endianlittle endianVAXnoneH5T_ORDER_%dByte order:Precision:%*s%-*s %lu bit%s Offset:pad?Low pad type:High pad type:H5T_PAD_%dbit-%dInternal pad type:msb setimpliedH5T_NORM_%dNormalization:Sign bit location:Exponent location:Exponent bias:%*s%-*s 0x%08lx Exponent size:Mantissa location:Mantissa size:2's compH5T_SGN_%dSign scheme:Slots used/allocated:%*s%-*s %u/%u File %u%*s%s: Name offset:Offset of data in file:Bytes reserved for data:!"#&'(B)2-H5O_efl_decodeH5O_efl_copyH5O_efl_total_sizeH5O_efl_copy_file/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Oefl.cbad version number for external file list messageunable to read protect link valueunable to read unprotect link valuetotal external storage size overflowedcan't insert file name into heapH5O_fill_shared_sizeH5O_fill_shared_copy_fileH5O_fill_new_shared_sizeH5O_fill_new_shared_copy_file!45;c:b>.dEE9q9/8!47 7b>0dEE66g1<5H5O_fill_new_decodeH5O_fill_new_shared_debugH5O_fill_new_shared_linkH5O_fill_new_shared_deleteH5O_fill_new_shared_encodeH5O_fill_new_shared_decodeH5O_fill_shared_debugH5O_fill_shared_linkH5O_fill_shared_deleteH5O_fill_shared_encodeH5O_fill_shared_decodeH5O_fill_old_decodeH5O_fill_copyH5O_fill_reset_dynH5O_fill_convertmemory allocation failed for fill value message/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Ofill.cbad version number for fill value messagememory allocation failed for fill valueunknown flag for fill value messagememory allocation failed for fill messageunable to copy fill value data typeunable to convert between src and dst data typesunable to copy/register datatypeunable to copy fill value datatypeunable to register fill value datatypeunable to reclaim variable-length fill value dataunable to copy/register data typeunable to copy native messagefillfill_newH5O_fill_tcan't create scalar dataspaceSpace Allocation Time:Early Late Incremental Unknown! Fill Time:On Allocation Never If Set Fill Value Defined:Undefined Default User Defined %*s%-*s %Zd Data type: ginfoH5O_ginfo_tMax. compact links:Min. dense links: !K4MMN3NMNH5O_ginfo_decodeH5O_ginfo_copy/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Oginfo.cEstimated # of objects in group:Estimated length of object in group's name:H5O_layout_tdimensionality is too largeInvalid layout classunable to free raw datanot valid storage typeChunkedNumber of dimensions:%s%luContiguousData address:Data Size:Compact!N UPWXYYZ5[^H5O_layout_decodeH5O_layout_encodeH5O_layout_copyH5O_layout_meta_sizeH5O_layout_deleteH5O_layout_copy_file/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Olayout.cbad version number for layout messagememory allocation failed for compact data bufferunable to copy chunked storageunable to copy contiguous storagelinfoH5O_linfo_tunable to copy linkMax. creation order value:%*s%-*s %Hd :!0|`b-ccc d~dggH5O_linfo_decodeH5O_linfo_copyH5O_linfo_deleteH5O_linfo_copy_fileH5O_linfo_post_copy_file_cbH5O_linfo_post_copy_file/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Olinfo.cunable to free dense link storageunable to insert destination linkTrack creation order of links:Index creation order of links:'Dense' link storage fractal heap address:'Dense' link storage name index v2 B-tree address:'Dense' link storage creation order index v2 B-tree address:H5O_link_tbad link typebad cset typeinvalid name lengthinvalid link lengthcan't duplicate link namelink class not registeredunable to get file IDHardSoftExternalUser-definedLink Type:Creation Order:Link Name Character Set:Link Name:Object address:Link Value:External File Name:External Object Name:User-Defined Link Size:j! ho!rsyttAuNwpwxxH5O_link_decodeH5O_link_copyH5O_link_deleteH5O_link_copy_fileH5O_link_post_copy_fileH5O_link_debug/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Olink.ccan't duplicate soft link valuelink deletion callback returned failureunrecognized built-in link typeH5O_msg_createH5O_msg_append_ohH5O_msg_append_realH5O_msg_writeH5O_msg_write_ohH5O_msg_write_realH5O_msg_readH5O_msg_read_realH5O_msg_resetH5O_msg_reset_realH5O_msg_copyH5O_msg_countH5O_msg_existsH5O_msg_removeH5O_msg_remove_opH5O_msg_remove_cbH5O_msg_remove_realH5O_msg_iterateH5O_msg_iterate_realH5O_msg_raw_sizeH5O_msg_size_fH5O_msg_size_ohH5O_msg_set_shareH5O_msg_get_crt_indexH5O_msg_encodeH5O_msg_decodeH5O_msg_copy_fileH5O_msg_allocH5O_copy_mesgH5O_msg_deleteH5O_delete_mesgH5O_msg_flushH5O_flush_msgsunable to create new messageunable to write messagemessage type not foundunable to reset object headerreset method failedunable to release messageerror iterating over messagescan't pack object headerunable to encode message/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Omessage.cunable to append to object headerunable to create new message in headerunable to write object header messageunable to modify constant messageunable to delete message from SOHM indexerror while trying to share messagemessage changed sharing statusunable to copy message to user spaceunable to verify object header messageunable to remove object header messageobject header message deletion callback failedunable to remove constant message(s)unable to iterate over object header messagesunable to determine size of messageunable to set shared message informationunable to retrieve creation indexunable to copy object header message to fileunable to adjust shared message ref countunable to allocate space for messageunable to copy message to object headerunable to encode object header messagecorrupt object header - too few messagesmtimemtime_newtime_t%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dY!]ͤEKQk_!Yͤ?KQkH5O_mtime_new_decodeH5O_mtime_decodeH5O_mtime_copybad version number for mtime message/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Omtime.cbadly formatted modification time message xj!ХtVuH5O_name_decodeH5O_name_copy/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Oname.cnullɼ!H5O_pline_shared_sizeH5O_pline_shared_copy_file !('`ħ%5?ZH5O_pline_decodeH5O_pline_shared_debugH5O_pline_shared_linkH5O_pline_shared_deleteH5O_pline_shared_encodeH5O_pline_shared_decodeH5O_pline_copyH5O_pline_pre_copy_file/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Opline.cbad version number for filter pipeline messagefilter pipeline message has too many filtersfilter name length is not a multiple of eightmemory allocation failed for filter namememory allocation failed for client datafilter pipelineH5O_pline_tNumber of filters:%*s%-*s %Zu/%Zu Filter at position %uFilter identification:%*s%-*s 0x%04x Filter name:%*s%-*s NONE Flags:Num CD values:CD value %lurefcountH5O_refcount_t\!H8dֻܻH5O_refcount_decodeH5O_refcount_copy/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Orefcount.cH5O_sdspace_shared_sizeH5O_sdspace_shared_copy_file.!4)87\H5O_sdspace_decodeH5O_sdspace_shared_debugH5O_sdspace_shared_linkH5O_sdspace_shared_deleteH5O_sdspace_shared_encodeH5O_sdspace_shared_decodeH5O_sdspace_copyH5O_sdspace_pre_copy_filedataspace structure allocation failed/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Osdspace.cwrong version number in dataspace messagesimple dataspace dimensionality is too largedataspace extent allocation failedcan't copy extent%s%HuDim Max:%sINFCONSTANT H5O_shared_readH5O_shared_link_adjH5O_shared_decodeH5O_shared_deleteH5O_shared_linkH5O_shared_copy_fileH5O_shared_post_copy_filecan't get fheap address for shared messages/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Oshared.ccan't get message size from fractal heap.can't read message from fractal heap.unable to set sharing informationunable to adjust shared object link countunable to delete message from SOHM tablebad version number for shared object messageunable to retrieve native messageunable to find attribute information for objectcan't decode shared message.unable to read messageerror trying to share messagecan't share messageUnsharedShared Message type:Obj HdrSOHMHeap ID:%*s%-*s %016llx Here%*s%-*s %s (%u) stabH5O_stab_tunable to free symbol tablecan't query local heap sizeName heap address:!Q :H5O_stab_decodeH5O_stab_copyH5O_stab_deleteH5O_stab_copy_fileH5O_stab_post_copy_file/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Ostab.cshared message tableShared message table address:Number of indexes:!ReH5O_shmesg_decodeH5O_shmesg_copy/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Oshmesg.cH5O_unknown_t!H5PcopyH5Pcreate_classH5PcreateH5Pregister2H5Pinsert2H5PsetH5PexistH5Pget_sizeH5Pget_classH5Pget_npropsH5PequalH5Pisa_classH5PiterateH5PgetH5PremoveH5Pcopy_propH5PunregisterH5PcloseH5Pget_class_nameH5Pget_class_parentH5Pclose_classnot property objectproperty object doesn't existcan't copy property listcan't copy property classnot a property list classinvalid class namecan't retrieve parent classinvalid property nameinvalied property valueunable to set value in plistnot a property objectnot a property classinvalid property sizeunable to query size in plistnot property objectsinvalid iteration callbackunable to iterate over listunable to iterate over classunable to remove propertycan't closeunable to query name of class/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5P.cunable to atomize property list classdata specified, but no callback providedunable to create property list classunable to create property listproperties >0 size must have defaultunable to register property in classunable to register property in plistproperty does not exist in listproperty does not exist in classunable to query class of property listCan't increment class ID ref countinvalid property nprops pointerunable to query # of properties in plistunable to query # of properties in pclassnot the same kind of property objectsunable to compare property list classesunable to query property valuecan't copy property between listscan't copy property between classesunable to remove property from classdataset createcan't get fill valuecan't get external file listcan't get pipelinecan't copy fill valuecan't copy external file listcan't copy data pipelinecan't release fill infocan't release pipeline infounknown layou t typecan't get layoutno chunk dimensions specifiednot a chunked storage layoutcan't get chunk sizenegative external file offsetinvalid filter identifiercan't modify filterfilter number is invalidUnknown library filterfilter ID is invalidcan't get filter infocan't delete filterinvalid deflate levelunable to set pipelinepixels_per_block is not evenpixels_per_block is too largeunable to shuffle the datainvalid scale typefill value is undefinedno fill value output buffercan't check fill value statusunknown layout typeinvalid fill time setting!("4"p"1H5P_dcrt_reg_propH5P_dcrt_copyH5P_dcrt_closeH5P_set_layoutH5Pset_layoutH5Pget_layoutH5Pset_chunkH5Pget_chunkH5Pset_externalH5Pget_external_countH5Pget_externalH5P_modify_filterH5Pmodify_filterH5Pset_filterH5Pget_nfiltersH5Pget_filter2H5P_get_filter_by_idH5Pget_filter_by_id2H5Pall_filters_availH5Premove_filterH5Pset_deflateH5Pset_szipH5Pset_shuffleH5Pset_nbitH5Pset_scaleoffsetH5Pset_fletcher32H5Pset_fill_valueH5P_get_fill_valueH5Pget_fill_valueH5P_is_fill_value_definedH5P_fill_value_definedH5Pfill_value_definedH5Pset_alloc_timeH5Pget_alloc_timeH5Pset_fill_timeH5Pget_fill_timeH5Pget_filter1H5Pget_filter_by_id1can't insert property into class/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Pdcpl.cnot a dataset creation property listcan't release external file list infocan't get space allocation time statecan't set space allocat ion timeraw data layout method is not validchunk dimensionality must be positivechunk dimensionality is too largecan't set chunk dimensionanlityall chunk dimensions must be positiveall chunk dimensions must be less than 2^32number of elements in chunk must be < 4GBcan't get chunk dimensionalityprevious file size is unlimitedtotal external data size overflowedexternal file index is out of rangeunable to add filter to pipelineno client data values suppliedprobable uninitialized *cd_nelmts argumentclient data values not suppliedcan't check pipeline informationunable to add deflate filter to pipelineFilter present but encoding is disabled.unable to add szip filter to pipelineunable to add nbit filter to pipelineunable to add scaleoffset filter to pipelineunable to convert between src and dest data typesinvalid combination of fill-value infoinvalid allocation time settingcan't set space allocation timefile accessmulti_typecan't get driver infocan't set driveralignment must be positivecan't set thresholdcan't get thresholdnot a file driver IDcan't reset drivercan't retrieve VFL driver IDCan't retrieve VFL driver IDcan't set family offsetcan't get family offsetcan't get preempt read chunkscan't set sieve buffer size!$"0"l"qEz{}H5P_facc_reg_prop?P?@@??+???H5P_facc_createH5P_facc_copyH5P_facc_closeH5Pset_alignmentH5Pget_alignmentH5P_set_driverH5Pset_driverH5P_get_driverH5Pget_driverH5P_get_driver_infoH5Pget_driver_infoH5Pset_family_offsetH5P_set_family_offsetH5Pget_family_offsetH5P_get_family_offsetH5Pset_multi_typeH5P_set_multi_typeH5Pget_multi_typeH5P_get_multi_typeH5Pset_cacheH5Pget_cacheH5Pset_mdc_configH5Pget_mdc_configH5Pset_gc_referencesH5Pget_gc_referencesH5Pset_fclose_degreeH5Pget_fclose_degreeH5Pset_meta_block_sizeH5Pget_meta_block_sizeH5Pset_sieve_buf_sizeH5Pget_sieve_buf_sizeH5Pset_small_data_block_sizeH5Pget_small_data_block_sizeH5Pset_libver_boundsH5Pget_libver_bounds/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Pfapl.ccan't retrieve VFL driver infonot a file access or data transfer property listcan't modify default property listcan't set offset for family filecan't set data type for multi drivercan't set type for multi drivercan't get type for multi driverraw data cache w0 value must be between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusivecan't get data cache byte sizeinvalid metadata cache configurationcan't set metadata cache initial configcan't get metadata cache initial resize configcan't set meta data block sizecan't set 'small data' block sizeinvalid high library version boundcan't set library version boundscan't get library version boundsgroup accessdataset accessdatatype createdatatype accessH5P_genclass_tH5P_genprop_tH5P_genplist_tProperty callback failedCan't copy propertycan't register propertiesCan't initialize propertyCan't create propertyproperty already existscan't copy classproperty doesn't existproperty has zero sizecan't get property valuecan't close property valueunable to locate propertycan't locate class"$"!`"H""!`"8"t"!("L""!`"P""@!!!!`"!! "`!!!`""!@!`"!H5P_do_prop_cb1H5P_initH5P_init_interfaceH5P_copy_pclassH5P_copy_plistH5P_dup_propH5P_create_propH5P_add_propH5P_find_prop_plistsx}H5P_create_classH5P_createH5P_create_idH5P_registerH5P_insertH5P_setH5P_get_size_plistH5P_get_size_pclassH5P_find_prop_pclassH5P_get_nprops_pclassH5P_isa_classH5P_object_verifyH5P_iterate_plistH5P_iterate_pclassH5P_peek_unsignedH5P_peek_hid_tH5P_peek_voidpH5P_peek_size_tH5P_getH5P_removeH5P_copy_prop_plistH5P_copy_prop_pclassH5P_unregisterH5P_closeH5P_get_class_nameH5P_get_class_pathH5P_open_class_pathH5P_close_classmemory allocation failed for temporary property value/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Pint.cCan't insert property into skip listcan't register property list classcan't register default property list for classCan't insert property into classcan't create skip list for changed propertiescan't create skip list for deleted propertiescan't create skip list for seen propertiesCan't increment class ref countunable to atomize property listcan't insert property into deleted skip listcan't insert property into seen skip listCan't insert property into listcan't insert property into skip listcan't find property in skip listcan't create skip list for propertiescan't remove property from deleted skip listmemory allocation failed temporary property valueCan't insert changed property into skip listproperty list is not a member of the classcan't remove property from skip listmemory allocation failed for class namelink accessinvalid pointer passed incan't get prefix infocan't copy prefixcan't set prefix info!$"`""H5P_lacc_reg_propH5Pset_nlinksH5Pget_nlinksH5Pset_elink_prefixH5Pget_elink_prefix/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Plapl.cnumber of links must be positivelink createa!d"\""L H5P_lcrt_reg_propH5Pset_create_intermediate_groupH5Pget_create_intermediate_group/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Plcpl.ccan't set intermediate group creation flagcan't get intermediate group creation flagobject create!$"("< H5P_ocrt_reg_propH5Pset_attr_phase_changeH5Pget_attr_phase_changeH5Pset_attr_creation_orderH5Pget_attr_creation_orderH5Pset_obj_track_timesH5Pget_obj_track_times/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Pocpl.cmax compact value must be >= min dense valuemax compact value must be < 65536min dense value must be < 65536tracking creation order is required for indexobject copyunknown option specifiedcan't set copy object flag!$"X""0H5P_ocpy_reg_propH5Pset_copy_objectH5Pget_copy_object/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Pocpypl.cstring create!$"d"dH5P_strcrt_reg_propH5Pset_char_encodingH5Pget_char_encoding/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Pstrcpl.ccharacter encoding is not validH5R_initH5R_init_interfaceH5R_createH5RcreateH5R_dereferenceH5RdereferenceH5R_get_regionH5Rget_regionH5R_get_obj_typeH5Rget_obj_type2H5R_get_nameH5Rget_name/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5R.cInvalid amount of space for serializing selectioninternal error (unknown reference type)can't identify type of object referencedunable to determine object pathUnable to serialize selectioninvalid reference pointernot a dataspaceunable to create referencedereferencing deleted objectcan't register groupcan't register datatypecan't register datasetunable dereference objectcan't deserialize selectionunable to create dataspaceH5RC_tmemory release failedH5RC_createH5RC_decr/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5RC.cH5RS_str_tstr_buf_blkH5RS_createH5RS_xstrdupH5RS_wrapH5RS_ownH5RS_dup_str/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5RS.cH5S_extent_tH5S_thsize_t_arrinvalid dataspace typeproblem freeing idunable to copy data spacecan't copy shared informationcan't copy selectno dimensions specifiedinvalid rankinvalid dimension sizeunable to set simple extentcan't change selectionmaxdims is smaller than dimscan't set dimensionscan't encode datatypecan't find dataspace sizecan't encode extent spacecan't encode select spaceempty buffercan't decode objectunable to register dataspacenot an encoded dataspacecan't copy objectcan't decode space selectionno offset specifiedcan't set offsetdimension cannot be modifiedcan't stop sharing dataspacedataspace comparison faileddimension cannot be increasedH5S_createH5S_init_interfaceH5ScreateH5S_extent_releaseH5S_closeH5ScloseH5ScopyH5Sextent_copyH5S_extent_copyH5S_copyH5S_get_simple_extent_npointsH5Sget_simple_extent_npointsH5S_get_npoints_maxH5Sget_simple_extent_ndimsH5S_get_simple_extent_ndimsH5Sget_simple_extent_dimsH5S_get_simple_extent_dimsH5S_writeH5S_appendH5S_readH5Sis_simpleH5Sset_extent_simpleH5S_set_extent_simpleH5Screate_simpleH5S_create_simpleH5SencodeH5S_encodeH5SdecodeH5S_decodeH5S_get_simple_extent_typeH5Sget_simple_extent_typeH5Sset_extent_noneH5Soffset_simpleH5S_set_extentH5S_has_extentH5S_set_extent_realH5Sextent_equalH5S_set_latest_versionH5S_extend/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5S.cunable to reset shared component infounable to register data space atominternal error (unknown data space class)can't update simple dataspace messagecan't add simple dataspace messageunable to load dataspace info from dataset headermaximum dimension specified, but no current dimensions specifiedcurrent dimension must have a specific size, not H5S_UNLIMITEDinvalid maximum dimension sizefailed to release previous dataspace extentdimensionality cannot be negativezero sized dimension for non-unlimited dimensioncan't allocate fake file structcan't find dataspace selection sizeunable to release fake file structunknown version of encoded dataspacememory allocation failed for data space conversion path tablecan't release previous dataspacecan't set offset on scalar or null dataspace     Ōˌ֌: DDOUH5S_all_iter_coordsH5S_all_deserializeH5S_select_allH5Sselect_allcan't retrieve coordinatescan't release selection/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Sall.cSpace class:%*s%-*s H5S_NULL %*s%-*s H5S_SCALAR %*s%-*s H5S_SIMPLE %*s%-*s **UNKNOWN-%ld**     *J`Fp0_H5S_hyper_span_precomputeH5S_hyper_span_precompute_helperH5S_hyper_span_scratchH5S_hyper_copy_span_helperH5S_hyper_new_spanH5S_hyper_copy_spanH5S_hyper_free_span_infoH5S_hyper_free_spanH5S_hyper_copyH5Sget_select_hyper_nblocksH5S_hyper_serialize_helperH5S_hyper_deserializeH5S_hyper_span_blocklistH5Sget_select_hyper_blocklistH5S_hyper_bounds_helperH5S_hyper_boundsH5S_hyper_offsetH5S_hyper_releaseH5S_hyper_coord_to_spanH5S_hyper_add_span_element_helperH5S_hyper_add_span_elementH5S_hyper_reset_scratchH5S_hyper_convertH5S_hyper_intersect_blockH5S_hyper_intersect_block_helperH5S_hyper_adjust_uH5S_hyper_adjust_sH5S_hyper_moveH5S_hyper_normalize_offsetH5S_hyper_denormalize_offsetH5S_hyper_append_spanH5S_hyper_clip_spansH5S_hyper_merge_spans_helperH5S_hyper_make_spansH5S_hyper_generate_spansH5S_generate_hyperslab32*[+,./0H5S_select_hyperslabw88w888w8=);9;);9;);=;;;;<H5Sselect_hyperslabIY[A[ZZEZYYH5S_hyper_sel_tH5S_hyper_span_tH5S_hyper_span_info_tcan't precompute span infocan't allocate hyperslab spancan't allocate hyperslab infonot a hyperslab selectionfailure in lower dimensioncan't convert selectioncan't generate hyperslabscan't insert hyperslabsinvalid selection operationhyperslab blocks overlapcan't release hyperslabhyperslab not specifiedinvalid stride==0 value/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Shyper.ccan't reset hyperslab scratch pointercan't reset span tree scratch pointersfailed to release hyperslab spanfailed to release hyperslab span treefailed to release hyperslab spansrank of pointer does not match dataspaceoffset moves selection out of boundscan't convert to span tree selectiondataspace does not have span treecan't perform hyperslab intersection checkcan't perform hyperslab normalizationcan't copy hyperslab span treecan't clip hyperslab informationcan't create hyperslab informationfailed to release temporary hyperslab spanshyperslab doesn't support H5S_SCALAR spacehyperslab doesn't support H5S_NULL spaceunable to set hyperslab selection    `d`aa aaaaaaaa````````H5S_none_deserializeH5S_select_noneH5Sselect_none/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Snone.c    iw[gjllmqYstttt dSdddee5eHeH5S_point_addH5S_select_elementsH5S_point_copyH5Sget_select_elem_npointsH5S_point_deserializeH5Sget_select_elem_pointlistH5S_point_boundsH5S_point_offsetH5Sselect_elementsH5S_point_get_seq_listH5S_pnt_node_tH5S_pnt_list_tcan't allocate point nodecan't release point selectioncan't insert elementsnot an element selectionnot a point selectionelements not specifiedcan't select elements/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Spoint.ccan't allocate coordinate informationcan't allocate element informationpoint doesn't support H5S_SCALAR spacepoint doesn't support H5S_NULL spaceunsupported operation attemptedunable to retrieve data space dimensions    H5S_select_copyH5Sget_select_npointsH5Sselect_validH5S_select_deserializeH5Sget_select_boundsH5S_select_iterateH5Sget_select_typeH5S_select_shape_sameH5S_select_fillcan't copy selection specific information/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Sselect.ccan't get number of elements selectedunable to check iterator blockunable to advance to next iterator blocknot an valid base datatypedatatype size invalidunable to get dimensionalityunable to get iterator blockH5SL_tH5SL_node_ptr_t_arrcan't insert duplicate keyH5SL_insert_commonH5SL_new_nodeU,eH5SL_createH5SL_insertH5SL_addŜ eա7,ΦXç.e'k!Ȱ2\O/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5SL.ccan't create new skip list nodeAH5SM_master_table_tH5SM_index_header_t_arrH5SM_list_tH5SM_sohm_t_arrcan't get number of indexesshmsg_message_typescan't get SOHM type flagsshmsg_list_maxcan't get SOHM list maximumshmsg_btree_mincan't get SOHM btree minimumshmsg_message_minsizecan't add SOHM table to cacheunknown message type IDunable to create fractal heapunable to delete B-treecan't add SOHM list to cacheunable to release SOHM listcan't free list indexcouldn't add SOHM to B-treeunable to get OH message sizeunable to create SOHM indexcan't write shared messagecan't find message sizeunable to load SOHM indexunable to close SOHM indexcan't delete shared message.message not in indexunable to delete messagecan't delete empty indexunable to close object headerunable to initialize location%*sIndex %d... ListB-TreeSOHM Index Type:Address of index:Address of index's heap:Message type flags:Minimum size of messages:Number of messages:Maximum list size:Minimum B-tree size:Hash value:%*s%-*s %08lu in heapMessage creation index:Message type ID:H5SM_initH5SM_get_indexH5SM_type_to_flag޽ѽ޽ѽ̽ѽ޽޽޽޽޽ѽѽH5SM_type_shared˾˾˾˾˾˾˾H5SM_get_fheap_addr     H5SM_create_indexH5SM_delete_indexH5SM_create_listH5SM_convert_list_to_btreeH5SM_convert_btree_to_listH5SM_can_shareH5SM_can_share_commonH5SM_try_shareH5SM_write_mesgH5SM_incr_refH5SM_delete       H5SM_delete_from_indexH5SM_get_infoH5SM_get_refcountH5SM_read_iter_opH5SM_read_mesgH5SM_read_mesg_fh_cbH5SM_table_debugH5SM_list_debugH5SM_ih_sizememory allocation failed for SOHM table/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5SM.ccan't get SOHM message min sizesnumber of indexes in property list is too largememory allocation failed for SOHM indexesfile allocation failed for SOHM tablethe same shared message type flag is assigned to more than one indexunable to update SOHM header messagecan't map message type to flagunable to load SOHM master tableunable to close SOHM master tableunable to find correct SOHM indexlist creation failed for SOHM indexB-tree creation failed for SOHM indexcan't get fractal heap addressunable to remove list index from cacheunable to free shared message listfile allocation failed for SOHM listCouldn't read SOHM message in listunable to create shared message listunable to load SOHM list indexunable to unprotect SOHM indexcan_share callback returned error'trivial' sharing checks returned error'complex' sharing checks returned errorcan't allocate buffer for encodingcan't encode message to be sharedunable to insert message into fractal heap'share in ohdr' check returned errorunable to convert list to B-treeunable to find empty entry in listunable to delete mesage from SOHM indexunable to remove message from heapunable to convert btree to listcan't set number of SOHM indexescan't set type flags for indexescan't set SOHM cutoff in property list*** SOHM TABLE VERSION DOESN'T MATCH VERSION IN SUPERBLOCK! *** NUMBER OF SOHM INDEXES DOESN'T MATCH VALUE IN SUPERBLOCK! unknown shared message table versionnumber of indexes must be between 1 and H5O_SHMESG_MAX_NINDEXES%*sShared Message Master Table... unknown shared message list version%*sShared Message List Index... %*sShared Object Header Message %d... can't retrieve fractal heap storage infoh ;RH5SM_compare_iter_op/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5SMbtree2.cShared Message in heap:%*s%-*s {%a, %lo, %Hx} Shared Message in OH:%*s%-*s {%a, %lo, %Hx, %Hx} !Iu!"G"H5SM_table_loadH5SM_table_flushH5SM_table_clearH5SM_list_loadH5SM_list_flushH5SM_list_clearcan't read SOHM tablebad SOHM table signatureunable to destroy sohm tablecan't read SOHM listbad SOHM list signaturecan't decode shared messageunable to destroy list/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5SMcache.cincorrect metadata checksum for shared message tablebad shared message list version numberunable to save sohm table to diskincorrect metadata checksum for shared message listunable to write shared message to diskH5T_tH5T_shared_tH5T_path_tunsupported byte ordernot a datatype objectduplicating base type failedi_ii_ff_ff_is_sb_biboibo(opt)fbofbo(opt)struct(no-opt)struct(opt)objrefflt_dblflt_ldbldbl_ldblldbl_fltldbl_dblllong_ullongullong_llongullong_longullong_ulongullong_shortullong_ushortullong_intullong_uintullong_scharullong_ucharulong_llongulong_ullongulong_longulong_shortulong_ushortulong_intulong_uintulong_scharulong_ucharushort_llongushort_ullongushort_longushort_ulongshort_ushortushort_shortushort_intushort_uintushort_scharushort_ucharuint_llonguint_ullonguint_longuint_ulonguint_shortuint_ushortint_uintuint_intuint_scharuint_ucharschar_llongschar_ullonguchar_llonguchar_ullongschar_longschar_ulonguchar_longuchar_ulongschar_shortschar_ushortuchar_shortuchar_ushortschar_intschar_uintuchar_intuchar_uintschar_ucharuchar_scharschar_fltschar_dblschar_ldbluchar_fltuchar_dbluchar_ldblushort_fltushort_dblushort_ldbluint_fltuint_dbluint_ldblulong_fltulong_dblulong_ldblullong_fltullong_dblullong_ldblflt_scharldbl_scharflt_ucharldbl_ucharflt_shortldbl_shortflt_ushortldbl_ushortflt_intldbl_intflt_uintldbl_uintflt_longldbl_longflt_ulongldbl_ulongflt_llongldbl_llongno-opinvalid sizeunable to create typenot a data type or datasetimmutable data typenot a data type classdata type is read-onlysize must be positivecan't adjust size to 0not a derived data typeunable to copy data typesinvalid function persistencesrc is not a data typedst is not a data typeconversion function not founddata type conversion failedNULL pointer for buffer sizeunable to register data typecan't find datatype sizecan't encode objectnot an encoded datatypeunable to copy base data typeunknown data type classfields in datatype corruptedunable to free datatypeinvalid base datatypeNONAMEnot a named datatypeUnable to set VL locationH5T_initH5T_init_infH5T_init_interfaceH5TcreateH5TcopyH5TcloseH5TequalH5TlockH5Tget_classH5T_get_classH5Tdetect_classH5T_detect_classH5Tis_variable_strH5Tget_sizeH5Tset_sizeH5Tget_superH5T_get_superH5T_registerH5TregisterH5TunregisterH5TfindH5Tcompiler_convH5TconvertH5TencodeH5TdecodeH5T_encodeH5T_decodeH5T_create>H5T_copyܻ(yyH5T_lockH5T_allocH5T_freeH5T_closeH5T_set_size{fXH5T_cmp %ottttGH5T_path_findH5T_compiler_convH5T_convertH5T_olocH5T_nameofH5T_is_immutableH5T_is_namedH5T_get_ref_typeH5T_is_sensibleH5T_set_locH5T_is_relocatableH5T_upgrade_versionH5T_set_latest_version/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5T.cunable to register conversion function(s)unable to register data type atomunable to get the dataset data typeunable to lock named data typeunable to lock transient data typecan't determine if datatype is VL-stringonly strings may be variable lengthoperation not allowed after members are definedoperation not defined for this datatypeunable to set size for data typeunable to register parent data typeunable to copy parent data typeunable to locate/allocate conversion pathunable to register data types for conv queryconversion must have a name for debuggingno conversion function specifiedcan't register conversion functioninternal unregister function failedno address to receive cdata pointernot dataset transfer property listunknown version of encoded datatypetype class is not appropriate - use H5Tcopy()no applicable native integer typebase type required - use H5Tvlen_create()base type required - use H5Tarray_create2()unable to reopen named data typecan't insert datatype into list of open objectscan't remove datatype from list of open objectsunable to close data type object headerunable to close immutable datatypeunable to close parent data typeunable to set size for parent data typeunable to get number of memberssize shrinking will cut off last member adjust sign, mantissa, and exponent fields firstmemory allocation failed for type conversion path tablememory allocation failed for no-op conversion pathmemory allocation failed for type conversion pathunable to copy data type for conversion pathunable to register source conversion type for queryunable to register destination conversion type for queryunable to initialize conversion functionunable to register conversion types for queryno appropriate function for conversion pathiteration to upgrade datatype encoding version failedcan't upgrade datatype encodingH5Tarray_create2H5T_array_createH5Tget_array_ndimsH5Tget_array_dims2H5T_get_array_dimsH5Tarray_create1H5Tget_array_dims1invalid dimensionalityunable to create datatypeunable to register datatypenot an array datatypeunable to get dimension sizes/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Tarray.czero-sized dimension specifiedH5Tcommit2H5T_commit_namedH5Tcommit_anonH5T_commitH5TcommittedH5T_linkH5Topen2H5Tget_create_plistH5T_openH5T_open_oidunable to commit datatypedatatype is already committeddatatype is immutableunable to initialize pathunable to open named datatype/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Tcommit.cnot datatype creation property listnot datatype access property listunable to create and link to named datatypeunable to return datatype to memoryunable to create datatype object headerunable to update type header messageunable to copy datatype locationcannot mark datatype in memoryunable to adjust named datatype link countunable to register named datatypecan't get default creation property listcan't allocate space for datatypeunable to load type message from object headerH5Tget_member_offsetH5Tget_member_classH5Tget_member_typeH5T_get_member_typeH5TinsertH5TpackH5T_insertH5T_packnot a compound datatypeinvalid member numberunable register datatype atomcan't close datatypeparent type read-onlyno member nameunable to insert membermember name is not uniquedatatype is read-onlyvalue sort failed/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Tcompound.cunable to retrieve member typeunable to copy member datatypecan't insert compound datatype within itselfunable to pack compound datatypemember overlaps with another membermember extends past end of compound typecan't upgrade member encoding versionunable to pack parent of datatypeunable to pack part of a compound datatypevlen_seq_blkarray_seq_blkunknown conversion commandconversion not supportedtype_conv_cbunsupported LSB paddingunsupported MSB paddingcan't set VL data to 'nil'invalid source pointerincorrect lengthcan't read VL datacan't write VL dataUnable to remove heap objectdestination size is too largeexponent field is too largebad precisionbad offsetbad source character setbad destination character setbad character paddingunknown converson commandH5T_conv_noopH5T_conv_order_optH5T_conv_orderH5T_conv_b_bH5T_conv_struct_initH5T_conv_structH5T_conv_struct_optH5T_conv_enum_initH5T_conv_enumH5T_conv_vlenH5T_conv_arrayH5T_conv_i_iH5T_conv_f_fH5T_conv_s_s [FhH5T_conv_schar_ucharH5T_conv_uchar_scharH5T_conv_schar_shortH5T_conv_schar_ushortH5T_conv_uchar_shortH5T_conv_uchar_ushortH5T_conv_schar_intH5T_conv_schar_uintH5T_conv_uchar_intH5T_conv_uchar_uintH5T_conv_schar_longH5T_conv_schar_ulongH5T_conv_uchar_longH5T_conv_uchar_ulongH5T_conv_schar_llongH5T_conv_schar_ullongH5T_conv_uchar_llongH5T_conv_uchar_ullongH5T_conv_short_scharH5T_conv_short_ucharH5T_conv_ushort_scharH5T_conv_ushort_ucharH5T_conv_short_ushortH5T_conv_ushort_shortH5T_conv_short_intH5T_conv_short_uintH5T_conv_ushort_intH5T_conv_ushort_uintH5T_conv_short_longH5T_conv_short_ulongH5T_conv_ushort_longH5T_conv_ushort_ulongH5T_conv_short_llongH5T_conv_short_ullongH5T_conv_ushort_llongH5T_conv_ushort_ullongH5T_conv_int_scharH5T_conv_int_ucharH5T_conv_uint_scharH5T_conv_uint_ucharH5T_conv_int_shortH5T_conv_int_ushortH5T_conv_uint_shortH5T_conv_uint_ushortH5T_conv_int_uintH5T_conv_uint_intH5T_conv_int_longH5T_conv_int_ulongH5T_conv_uint_longH5T_conv_uint_ulongH5T_conv_int_llongH5T_conv_int_ullongH5T_conv_uint_llongH5T_conv_uint_ullongH5T_conv_long_scharH5T_conv_long_ucharH5T_conv_ulong_scharH5T_conv_ulong_ucharH5T_conv_long_shortH5T_conv_long_ushortH5T_conv_ulong_shortH5T_conv_ulong_ushortH5T_conv_long_intH5T_conv_long_uintH5T_conv_ulong_intH5T_conv_ulong_uintH5T_conv_long_ulongH5T_conv_ulong_longH5T_conv_long_llongH5T_conv_long_ullongH5T_conv_ulong_llongH5T_conv_ulong_ullongH5T_conv_llong_scharH5T_conv_llong_ucharH5T_conv_ullong_scharH5T_conv_ullong_ucharH5T_conv_llong_shortH5T_conv_llong_ushortH5T_conv_ullong_shortH5T_conv_ullong_ushortH5T_conv_llong_intH5T_conv_llong_uintH5T_conv_ullong_intH5T_conv_ullong_uintH5T_conv_llong_longH5T_conv_llong_ulongH5T_conv_ullong_longH5T_conv_ullong_ulongH5T_conv_llong_ullongH5T_conv_ullong_llongH5T_conv_float_doubleH5T_conv_float_ldoubleH5T_conv_double_floatH5T_conv_double_ldoubleH5T_conv_ldouble_floatH5T_conv_ldouble_doubleH5T_conv_schar_floatH5T_conv_schar_doubleH5T_conv_schar_ldoubleH5T_conv_uchar_floatH5T_conv_uchar_doubleH5T_conv_uchar_ldoubleH5T_conv_short_floatH5T_conv_short_doubleH5T_conv_short_ldoubleH5T_conv_ushort_floatH5T_conv_ushort_doubleH5T_conv_ushort_ldoubleH5T_conv_int_floatH5T_conv_int_doubleH5T_conv_int_ldoubleH5T_conv_uint_floatH5T_conv_uint_doubleH5T_conv_uint_ldoubleH5T_conv_long_floatH5T_conv_long_doubleH5T_conv_long_ldoubleH5T_conv_ulong_floatH5T_conv_ulong_doubleH5T_conv_ulong_ldoubleH5T_conv_llong_floatH5T_conv_llong_doubleH5T_conv_llong_ldoubleH5T_conv_ullong_floatH5T_conv_ullong_doubleH5T_conv_ullong_ldoubleH5T_conv_float_scharH5T_conv_float_ucharH5T_conv_double_scharH5T_conv_double_ucharH5T_conv_ldouble_scharH5T_conv_ldouble_ucharH5T_conv_float_shortH5T_conv_float_ushortH5T_conv_double_shortH5T_conv_double_ushortH5T_conv_ldouble_shortH5T_conv_ldouble_ushortH5T_conv_float_intH5T_conv_float_uintH5T_conv_double_intH5T_conv_double_uintH5T_conv_ldouble_intH5T_conv_ldouble_uintH5T_conv_float_longH5T_conv_float_ulongH5T_conv_double_longH5T_conv_double_ulongH5T_conv_ldouble_longH5T_conv_ldouble_ulongH5T_conv_float_llongH5T_conv_double_llongH5T_conv_ldouble_llongH5T_conv_f_iH5T_conv_i_f/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Tconv.ccan't find property list for IDunable to get conversion exception callbackcan't handle conversion exceptionunable to convert member data typeunable to initialize conversion dataunable to convert compound data type memberconvertion is unsupported by this functionsource type is not a subset of destination typeunable to initialize private dataunable to convert between src and dest datatypescan't read VL sequence into background bufferarray datatypes do not have the same number of dimensionsarray datatypes do not have the same sizes of dimensionsmemory allocation failed for string conversionsource string padding method not supporteddestination string padding method not supportedunable to dereference datatype object IDdisagreement about datatype size333333?A_BCFGOO_@=@floatstrbits[transient][constant][predefined][named,closed][named,open]%s%s {nbytes=%luBELENONEorder?, %s, offset=%lu, prec=%luunsignedsign?msbsetno-normnorm?, sign=%lu+1, mant=%lu+%lu (%s), exp=%lu+%lu bias=0x%08lx%08lx bias=0x%08lx "%s" @%lu, loc=memory, loc=disk, loc=UNKNOWN, variable-length VLEN "%s" = 0x%02lx, tag="%s"unknown class %d mt{H5Tget_nmembersH5T_get_nmembersH5Tget_member_nameH5T_get_member_nameH5Tget_member_indexH5T_sort_valueH5T_sort_namecannot return member numberunable to get member name/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Tfields.coperation not supported for type classoperation not supported for this typeH5TN_init_interfaceH5Tinit.ccan't initialize type system (atom registration failureunable to open datatypecouldn't get object from ID6"--. 0H5O_dtype_isaH5O_dtype_openH5O_dtype_createH5O_dtype_get_oloc/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Toh.cunable to get object location of named datatypeunable to get path of named datatypeunable to get object location from objectH5T_visitoperator callback failedcan't visit parent datatypecan't visit member datatype/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Tvisit.cH5Tvlen_createH5T_vlen_createH5T_vlen_set_locH5T_vlen_seq_mem_writeH5T_vlen_str_mem_writeH5T_vlen_disk_readH5T_vlen_disk_writeH5T_vlen_disk_setnullH5T_vlen_reclaim_recurseH5T_vlen_reclaimH5T_vlen_get_alloc_infoinvalid VL locationinvalid VL datatype locationUnable to read VL informationUnable to free array elementUnable to free compound fieldUnable to free VL elementvlen_allocunable to get valuevlen_alloc_infovlen_freevlen_free_info/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Tvlen.cmemory allocation failed for VL dataUnable to write VL information    H5V_array_offsetH5WB_textra_buf_blkH5WB_wrapH5WB_actualH5WB_actual_clearmemory allocation failed for wrapped buffer info/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5WB.cH5Z_init_interfaceH5ZregisterH5Z_registerH5ZunregisterH5Z_unregisterH5Zfilter_availH5Z_prelude_callbackH5Z_can_applyH5Z_set_localH5Z_modifyH5Z_appendH5Z_findH5Z_pipelineH5Z_filter_infoH5Z_all_filters_availH5Z_deleteH5Zget_filter_infoH5Z_set_latest_versionunable to register deflate filter/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Z.cunable to register shuffle filterunable to register fletcher32 filterunable to register szip filterunable to register nbit filterunable to register scaleoffset filterinvalid H5Z_class_t version numberinvalid filter identification numberunable to modify predefined filtersfilter parameters not appropriaterequired filter was not locatedlocal filter parameters not setmemory allocation failed for filter parametersmemory allocation failed for filter pipelinememory allocation failed for filterrequired filter is not registeredfilter returned failure during readinvalid filter classno filter function specifiedunable to register filterunable to extend filter tableunable to unregister filterfilter is not registeredunable to close dataspaceerror during user callbackunable to apply filterfilter not in pipelinetoo many filters in pipelinefilter returned failureFilter not defineddeflate1.2.1.2inflateInit() faileddeflate memory errorother deflate errorinflate() failedl"H5Z_filter_deflateinvalid deflate aggression level/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Zdeflate.cmemory allocation failed for deflate uncompressionunable to allocate deflate destination bufferjt?@Afletcher32m"H5Z_filter_fletcher32data error detected by Fletcher32 checksum/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Zfletcher32.cunable to allocate Fletcher32 checksum destination buffernbitbad datatype classbad datatype sizebad base datatypebad base datatype classUnable to close base datatypebad member datatypebad member datatype classbad datatype endianness orderbad datatype precisionbad datatype offsetcan't get nbit parametersinvalid nbit aggression levelH5Z_can_apply_nbitH5Z_calc_parms_arrayH5Z_calc_parms_compoundH5Z_set_parms_atomicH5Z_set_parms_arrayH5Z_set_parms_nooptypeH5Z_set_parms_compoundH5Z_set_local_nbitH5Z_filter_nbit/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Znbit.cnbit cannot compute parameters for datatypebad datatype number of membersUnable to close member datatypeinvalid datatype precision/offsetnbit cannot set parameters for datatypecannot determine if datatype is a variable-length stringdatatype not supported by nbitdatatype needs too many nbit parametersmemory allocation failed for cd_values[]unable to get number of points in the dataspacecan't set local nbit parametersmemory allocation failed for nbit decompressionmemory allocation failed for nbit compressionshufflecan't get shuffle parametersinvalid shuffle parametersr"$H5Z_set_local_shuffleH5Z_filter_shuffle"SLE>70)/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Zshuffle.ccan't set local shuffle parametersmemory allocation failed for shuffle bufferszipinvalid datatype sizecan't get szip parametersH5Z_can_apply_szipH5Z_set_local_szipH5Z_filter_szip/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Zszip.ccan't retrieve datatype endianness orderinvalid datatype endianness orderunable to get dataspace dimensionspixels per block greater than total number of elements in the chunkcan't set local szip parametersmemory allocation failed for szip decompressionszip_filter: decompression failedunable to allocate szip destination bufferscaleoffsetunable to get fill valuebad datatype signbad integer signunable to set fill valuepost-decompression failedpre-compression failedH5Z_can_apply_scaleoffsetH5Z_scaleoffset_get_typeH5Z_scaleoffset_set_parms_fillvalH5Z_set_local_scaleoffsetH5Z_filter_scaleoffsetH5Z_scaleoffset_precompress_fdH5Z_scaleoffset_postdecompress_fd/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Zscaleoffset.cdatatype class not supported by scaleoffsetcannot find matched memory dataypecan't get scaleoffset parameterscannot use C integer datatype for castcan't set local scaleoffset parametersinvalid scaleoffset number of paramtersbad H5T_NATIVE_INT endianness orderE-scaling method not supportedminimum number of bits exceeds maximummemory allocation failed for scaleoffset decompressionmemory allocation failed for scaleoffset compression?    H5Z_get_token????????H5Z_parse_expressionH5Z_parse_termH5Z_parse_factorPHvDDDE'GPHPHEEHH5Z_new_nodeH5Z_xform_evalH5Z_xform_eval_fullH5Z_xform_find_typeH5Z_xform_copy_treeH5Z_xform_createH5Z_xform_copyInvalidly formatted floating point number/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Ztrans.cUnknown H5Z_token in data transform expression Error parsing data transform expressionSyntax error in data transform expressionInvalid token while parsing data transform expressionRan out of memory trying to allocate space for nodes in the parse treeCannot perform data transform on this type.error while performing data transformRan out of memory trying to allocate space for data in data transformUnexpected type conversion operationerror during transform evaluationRan out of memory trying to copy parse treeError in parse tree while trying to copyunable to allocate memory for data transform infounable to allocate memory for data transform array storageunable to allocate memory for data transform expressionunable to allocate memory for pointers in transform arrayunable to generate parse tree from expressionerror copying the parse tree, did not find correct number of "variables"%ld%lfSyntax error: unexpected ')' Invalid expression treecould not find matching typeerror copying the parse tree|sjd[RI%*s %8d: __ %*sData follows (`__' indicates free region)... .A|= NaN0.000 B/s%10.4e%05.4f%10.3eDI:N5S0X+H5A_dense_createH5A_dense_openH5A_dense_insertH5A_dense_write_bt2_cbH5A_dense_writeH5A_dense_renameH5A_dense_iterate_bt2_cbH5A_dense_copy_fh_cbH5A_dense_iterateH5A_dense_remove_bt2_cbH5A_dense_removeH5A_dense_remove_by_idx_bt2_cbH5A_dense_remove_by_idxH5A_dense_existsH5A_dense_delete_bt2_cbH5A_dense_deletecan't get message sizecan't encode attributecan't get attribute sizeheap op callback failedattribute iteration failed/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Adense.cunable to create v2 B-tree for name indexcan't determine if attributes are sharedcan't get shared message heap addresscan't locate attribute in name indexunable to insert attribute into fractal heapunable to insert record into v2 B-treeunable to modify record in v2 B-treeunable to update attribute in heapunable to find record in v2 B-treeerror building table of attributesunable to remove attribute from creation order index v2 B-treeunable to delete shared attributeunable to remove attribute from fractal heapunable to remove attribute from name index v2 B-treeattribute removal callback failedunable to remove record from 'other' index v2 B-treeunable to remove attribute from v2 B-tree indexunable to delete v2 B-tree for name indexunable to delete v2 B-tree for creation order indexhaddr_t_seqnative_block_blkH5B_tH5B_shared_tunable to load B-tree nodeunable to release nodeunable to create B-treeunable to protect B-treeunable to load right siblingunable to insert keyunable to release new childunable to load new nodeunable to load new childunable to copy old rootunable to load nodeunable to create leaf nodecan't insert minimum subtreecan't insert maximum subtreecan't insert subtreecan't insert leaf nodeunable to split nodecan't insert childunable to release node(s)unable to list B-tree nodeB-tree key not foundkey not found in subtreekey not found in leaf nodeunable to load node from treeunable to delete B-tree nodecan't remove B-tree nodeH5B_SNODE_IDH5B_ISTORE_IDSize of raw (disk) key:Level:Address of left sibling:Address of right sibling:Number of children (max):%*s%-*s %u (%u) %*sChild %d... Left Key:Right Key:H5B_createH5B_findH5B_splitH5B_insertH5B_insert_helperH5B_iterateH5B_remove_helperH5B_removeH5B_deleteH5B_copyH5B_iterate_sizeH5B_debugmemory allocation failed for B-tree root node/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5B.ccan't retrieve B-tree node bufferfile allocation failed for B-tree root nodecan't add B-tree root node to cacheunable to locate root of B-treeunable to allocate file space to move rootunable to move B-tree root nodeunable to flush old B-tree root nodeunable to insert first leaf nodecan't insert minimum leaf nodecan't insert maximum leaf nodeunable to unlink node from treeunable to release node from treeunable to remove entry from B-treeunable to load B-tree root nodeunable to release B-tree node in cacheO1W566@7H5B_serializeH5B_loadH5B_flushH5B_clearH5B_compute_sizeunable to encode B-tree keycan't read B-tree nodewrong B-tree signatureincorrect B-tree node typeunable to decode keyunable to serialize B-treeunable to destroy B-tree nodeH5B_nodesize() failed/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Bcache.cunable to save B-tree node to disk    7\begH5D_chunk_io_initH5D_create_chunk_map_singleH5D_create_chunk_file_map_hyperH5D_create_chunk_mem_map_hyperH5D_chunk_file_cbH5D_chunk_mem_cbH5D_chunk_readH5D_chunk_writeH5D_chunk_io_termH5D_chunk_info_tunable to copy file spacecan't adjust chunk dimensionscan't allocate chunk infounable to copy memory spaceunable to copy file selectioncan't adjust chunk selectioncan't create chunk selectionunable to release selectionunable to copy selectionunable to de-select dataspaceunable to select elementchunked read failedchunked write failedcan't iterate over chunksunable to get dimension number/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Dchunk.cunable to normalize dataspace by offsetunable to create chunk selections for single elementcan't create skip list for chunk selectionsunable to get type of selectionunable to create file chunk selectionsunable to register file datatypeunable to create memory chunk selectionsunable to de-select memory spaceunable to reset span scratch infocan't release memory chunk dataspace templateunable to release chunk mappingcan't get file selection bound infounable to convert selection to span treescan't get file selection # of elementsunable to create dataspace for chunkcan't locate chunk in skip listunable to get iterator coordinatesunable to move to next iterator location    2iybz\iiH5D_compact_fillH5D_compact_readvvH5D_compact_writevvH5D_compact_copy/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Dcompact.cvectorized memcpy failed    yybz{ H5D_contig_createH5D_contig_fillH5D_contig_deleteH5D_contig_readH5D_contig_writeH5D_contig_write_oneH5D_contig_readvvH5D_contig_writevvH5D_contig_copysieve_buf_blkunable to reserve file spacecontiguous read failedcontiguous write failedvector write failedblock read failedunable to read raw dataunable to write raw data/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Dcontig.cunable to write fill value to datasetunable to allocate contiguous storagememory allocation failed for copy bufferunable to change buffer dataspace sizeybz٥H5D_efl_readH5D_efl_writeH5D_efl_readvvH5D_efl_writevvread past logical end of file/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Defl.cexternal file address overflowedunable to open external raw data fileunable to seek in external raw data fileread error in external raw data filewrite past logical end of fileexternal raw data file does not existwrite error in external raw data file    H5DfillH5D_fillH5D_fill_initH5D_fill_refill_vlnon_zero_fill_blkfilling selection failedunable to copy file datatype/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Dfill.cmemory allocation failed for fill bufferH5D_copy_file_ud_tunable to open datasetunable to register datasetunable to release datasetunable to create datasetcan't find LAYOUT message{j ]H5O_dset_get_copy_file_udataH5O_dset_isaH5O_dset_openH5O_dset_createH5O_dset_get_olocH5O_dset_bh_info/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Doh.ccan't determine chunked dataset btree infoH5Eget_majorH5Eget_minorH5Epush1H5Eclear1H5Eprint1H5Ewalk1H5Eget_auto1H5Eset_auto1/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Edeprec.cError message isn't a major oneError message isn't a minor oneH5F_fake_alloc/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Ffake.cH5FS_section_class_t_seqH5FS_tH5FS_createH5FS_openH5FS_deleteH5FS_closeH5FS_newmemory allocation failed for free space free list/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5FS.cfile allocation failed for free space headercan't add free space header to cacheunable to check metadata cache status for free space headerunable to pin free space headerunable to protect free space headerunable to check metadata cache status for free space section infounable to remove free space section info from cacheunable to release free space sectionsunable to unpin free space section infounable to mark free space header as dirtyunable to unpin free space headermemory allocation failed for free space section class arrayunable to initialize section class    wIk 5H5FS_cache_hdr_loadH5FS_cache_hdr_flushH5FS_cache_hdr_destH5FS_cache_hdr_clearH5FS_cache_sinfo_loadH5FS_cache_sinfo_flushH5FS_sinfo_serialize_node_cbH5FS_sinfo_serialize_sect_cbH5FS_cache_sinfo_destH5FS_cache_sinfo_clearsect_block_blkcan't read free space headersection class count mismatchcan't deserialize sectioncan't syncronize section/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5FScache.cwrong free space header signaturewrong free space header versionunknown client ID in free space headerunable to save free space header to diskunable to destroy free space headerunable to finalize section classincorrect address for free space sectionscan't read free space sectionswrong free space sections signaturewrong free space sections versionincorrect header address for free space sectionscan't add section to free space managerunable to save free space sections to diskcan't iterate over section size nodesunable to destroy free space section infocan't iterate over section nodescan't destroy section merging skip list    H5FS_sinfo_newH5FS_sinfo_pinH5FS_sect_increaseH5FS_sect_decreaseH5FS_size_node_decrH5FS_sect_unlink_sizeH5FS_sect_unlink_restH5FS_sect_removeH5FS_sect_link_sizeH5FS_sect_link_restH5FS_sect_linkH5FS_sect_mergeH5FS_sect_addH5FS_sect_find_nodeH5FS_sect_findH5FS_sect_serialize_sizeH5FS_sect_iterateH5FS_iterate_node_cbH5FS_iterate_sect_cbH5FS_sect_change_classH5FS_node_tH5FS_bin_t_seqH5FS_sinfo_tcan't create section infonode's bin is empty?can't find section size nodecan't merge two sectionscan't pin sectionscan't merge sectionsiteration callback failed/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5FSsection.cmemory allocation failed for free space section bin arrayfile allocation failed for free space sectionscan't add free space sections to cacheunable to load free space sectionsunable to pin free space sectionscan't adjust free space section size on diskcan't remove free space node from skip listcan't destroy size tracking node's skip listcan't find section node on size listcan't remove free space size node from skip listcan't increase free space section size on diskunable to mark free space sections as dirtycan't remove section from size tracking data structurescan't remove section from non-size tracking data structurescan't create skip list for free space nodesmemory allocation failed for free space nodecan't insert free space node into skip listcan't create skip list for merging free space sectionscan't insert free space node into merging skip listcan't add section to size tracking data structurescan't add section to non-size tracking data structurescan't check for merging sectionscan't remove section from internal data structurescan't check for shrinking containercan't shrink free space container'add' section class callback failedcan't insert free space section into skip listcan't remove section from binsunable to free free space sectionsunable to move free space section infounable to mark free space section info as dirtyH5G_compact_build_tableH5G_compact_build_table_cbH5G_compact_insertH5G_compact_get_name_by_idxH5G_compact_removeH5G_compact_remove_common_cbH5G_compact_remove_by_idxH5G_compact_iterateH5G_compact_lookupH5G_compact_lookup_cbH5G_compact_lookup_by_idxH5G_compact_get_type_by_idxcan't copy link messageunable to delete link messagecan't determine object type/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Gcompact.cerror iterating over link messagescan't create link message tableH5G_dense_createH5G_dense_insertH5G_dense_lookupH5G_dense_lookup_cbH5G_dense_lookup_by_idx_fh_cbH5G_dense_lookup_by_idxH5G_dense_lookup_by_idx_bt2_cbH5G_dense_build_tableH5G_dense_build_table_cbH5G_dense_iterateH5G_dense_iterate_bt2_cbH5G_dense_iterate_fh_cbH5G_dense_get_name_by_idxH5G_dense_get_name_by_idx_bt2_cbH5G_dense_get_name_by_idx_fh_cbH5G_dense_remove_fh_cbH5G_dense_remove_bt2_cbH5G_dense_removeH5G_dense_remove_by_idx_bt2_cbH5G_dense_remove_by_idx_fh_cbH5G_dense_remove_by_idxH5G_dense_deleteH5G_dense_get_type_by_idxcan't encode linkerror building table of linksunable to rename open objectslink removal callback failed/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Gdense.ccan't get fractal heap ID lengthunable to insert link into fractal heapunable to locate link in name indexunable to locate link in indexcan't locate object in v2 B-treeunable to remove link from creation order index v2 B-treeunable to remove link from fractal heapunable to remove link from name index v2 B-treeunable to remove link from indexed v2 B-treeunable to remove link from dense storageH5Gcreate1H5Gopen1H5GlinkH5Glink2H5G_link_hardH5GmoveH5Gmove2H5G_moveH5GunlinkH5Gget_linkvalH5Gset_commentH5Gget_commentH5GiterateH5Gget_num_objsH5Gget_objinfoH5G_get_objinfo_cbH5G_get_objinfoH5Gget_objname_by_idxH5Gget_objtype_by_idxH5G_obj_get_type_by_idxcouldn't create linkNot a valid link typenot a valid link typecouldn't move linkcouldn't delete linkcouldn't get link infounable to set comment valueno buffer specifiedunable to get comment valuegroup iteration failednot a location IDbad pointer to # of objectscan't determinecannot stat objectunable to read filenocan't get object namecan't locate type/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Gdeprec.cunable to release property listH5G_normalizememory allocation failed for normalized string/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Gint.c~ |>PH5O_group_isaH5O_group_openH5O_group_createH5O_group_get_olocH5O_group_bh_info/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Goh.ccan't find LINFO nor STAB messagescan't retrieve symbol table size infoH5HF_size/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HFstat.c}H5HG_createH5HG_loadH5HG_flushH5HG_clearH5HG_allocH5HG_extendH5HG_insertH5HG_readH5HG_linkH5HG_removeH5HG_heap_tH5HG_obj_t_seqnew heap allocation failedunable to unprotect heap.unable to allocate file space for global heap/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5HG.cunable to cache global heap collectionunable to destroy global heap collectionunable to read global heap collectionbad global heap collection signatureunable to write global heap collection to fileunable to allocate a global heap collectionunable to extend global heap collectionnew link count would be out of rangeH5O_add_gapH5O_alloc_nullH5O_alloc_msgsH5O_alloc_extend_chunkH5O_alloc_new_chunkH5O_allocH5O_release_mesgH5O_move_msgs_forwardH5O_remove_empty_chunksH5O_condense_header/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Oalloc.ccan't tell if we can extend chunkunable to locate message to moveunable to allocate space for new chunkobject header message is too largeunable to create a new object header data chunkH5O_alloc_extend_chunk failed unexpectedlycan't move header messages forwardcan't pack null header messagescan't eliminate gap in chunkcan't insert gap in chunkcan't extend chunkcan't split null messagecan't remove empty chunkattribute createH"d"T""data transfercan't get drver infoerror closing the parse treeexpression cannot be NULLbuffer size must not be zerounable to set valuenot a valid valueunable to set valuesvector size too small"$"<"x" 4H5P_dxfr_reg_prop???H5P_dxfr_createH5P_dxfr_copyH5P_dxfr_closeH5P_dxfr_xform_delH5P_dxfr_xform_copyH5P_dxfr_xform_closeH5Pset_data_transformH5Pget_data_transformH5Pset_bufferH5Pget_bufferH5Pset_preserveH5Pget_preserveH5Pset_edc_checkH5Pget_edc_checkH5Pset_filter_callbackH5Pset_type_conv_cbH5Pget_type_conv_cbH5Pget_btree_ratiosH5Pset_btree_ratiosH5P_set_vlen_mem_managerH5Pset_vlen_mem_managerH5Pget_vlen_mem_managerH5Pset_hyper_vector_sizeH5Pget_hyper_vector_size/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Pdxpl.cCan't retrieve VFL driver infoerror copying the data transform infounable to create data transform infoError setting data transform expressionunable to release data transform expressionerror getting data transform expressiondata transform has not been setfailed to retrieve transform expressionCan't set transfer buffer sizeCan't set transfer type conversion bufferCan't set background type conversion bufferCan't get transfer type conversion bufferCan't get background type conversion buffersplit ratio must satisfy 0.0<=X<=1.0file createuserblock size is not validcan't set user blockcan't get user blockfile size_t size is not validcan't set number of indexescan't get current min sizescan't set index type flagscan't set min mesg sizescan't get list maximumcan't get SOHM information"D","h"4H5P_fcrt_reg_propH5Pget_versionH5Pset_userblockH5Pget_userblockH5Pset_sizesH5Pget_sizesH5Pset_sym_kH5Pget_sym_kH5Pset_istore_kH5Pget_istore_kH5Pset_shared_mesg_nindexesH5Pget_shared_mesg_nindexesH5Pset_shared_mesg_indexH5Pget_shared_mesg_indexH5Pset_shared_mesg_phase_changeH5Pget_shared_mesg_phase_change/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Pfcpl.cfile haddr_t size is not validcan't set byte number for an addresscan't set byte number for object can't get byte number for an addresscan't get byte number for object can't get rank for btree interanl nodescan't set rank for btree nodescan't set rank for symbol table leaf nodescan't get rank for btree nodescan't get rank for symbol table leaf nodesistore IK value must be positivecan't set rank for btree interanl nodesnumber of indexes is greater than H5O_SHMESG_MAX_NINDEXESunrecognized flags in mesg_type_flagsindex_num is too large; no such indexcan't get current index type flagsindex_num is greater than number of indexes in property listminimum B-tree value is greater than maximum list valuemax list value is larger than H5O_SHMESG_MAX_LIST_SIZEmin btree value is larger than H5O_SHMESG_MAX_LIST_SIZEcan't set list maximum in property listcan't set B-tree minimum in property listfile mountlocal"$"@"|"h<H5P_fmnt_reg_prop/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Pfmpl.cgroup create9"("D""<H5P_gcrt_reg_propH5Pset_local_heap_size_hintH5Pget_local_heap_size_hintH5Pset_link_phase_changeH5Pget_link_phase_changeH5Pset_est_link_infoH5Pget_est_link_infoH5Pset_link_creation_orderH5Pget_link_creation_order/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Pgcpl.cest. number of entries must be < 65536est. name length must be < 65536H5Tget_signH5T_get_signH5Tset_signnot an integer datatypeillegal sign type/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Tfixed.coperation not defined for datatype classH5Tget_offsetH5T_get_offsetH5Tset_offsetH5T_set_offsetnot an atomic data typeunable to set offset/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Toffset.ccant't get offset for specified datatypeoperation not defined for specified data typeoffset must be zero for this typeunable to set offset for base typeH5Tget_orderH5T_get_orderH5Tset_orderillegal byte order/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Torder.ccant't get order for specified datatypeoperation not defined for specified datatypeH5Tget_precisionH5T_get_precisionH5Tset_precisionH5T_set_precisionprecision must be positiveunable to set precision/home/hdftest/snapshots-hdf5_1_8/current/./src/H5Tprecis.ccant't get precision for specified datatypeprecision for this type is read-onlyunable to set precision for base type?SZIP 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