# # To be used by projects that make use of CMakeified hdf-4 # # # Find the HDF4 includes and get all installed hdf4 library settings from # HDF4-config.cmake file : Requires a CMake compatible hdf-4.2.6 or later # for this feature to work. The following vars are set if hdf4 is found. # # HDF4_FOUND - True if found, otherwise all other vars are undefined # HDF4_INCLUDE_DIR - The include dir for main *.h files # HDF4_FORTRAN_INCLUDE_DIR - The include dir for fortran modules and headers # HDF4_VERSION_STRING - full version (e.g. 4.2.5) # HDF4_VERSION_MAJOR - major part of version (e.g. 4.2) # HDF4_VERSION_MINOR - minor part (e.g. 5) # # The following boolean vars will be defined # HDF4_ENABLE_PARALLEL - 1 if HDF4 parallel supported # HDF4_BUILD_FORTRAN - 1 if HDF4 was compiled with fortran on # HDF4_BUILD_CPP_LIB - 1 if HDF4 was compiled with cpp on # HDF4_BUILD_TOOLS - 1 if HDF4 was compiled with tools on # # Target names that are valid (depending on enabled options) # will be the following # # hdf : HDF4 C library # hdf_f90cstub : used by Fortran to C interface # hdf_fortran : Fortran HDF4 library # mfhdf : HDF4 multi-file C interface library # xdr : RPC library # mfhdf_f90cstub : used by Fortran to C interface to multi-file library # mfhdf_fortran : Fortran multi-file library # # To aid in finding HDF4 as part of a subproject set # HDF4_ROOT_DIR_HINT to the location where hdf4-config.cmake lies INCLUDE (SelectLibraryConfigurations) INCLUDE (FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) # The HINTS option should only be used for values computed from the system. set (_HDF4_HINTS $ENV{HOME}/.local $ENV{HDF4_ROOT} $ENV{HDF4_ROOT_DIR_HINT} ) # Hard-coded guesses should still go in PATHS. This ensures that the user # environment can always override hard guesses. set (_HDF4_PATHS $ENV{HOME}/.local $ENV{HDF4_ROOT} $ENV{HDF4_ROOT_DIR_HINT} /usr/lib/hdf /usr/share/hdf /usr/local/hdf /usr/local/hdf/share ) FIND_PATH (HDF4_ROOT_DIR "hdf4-config.cmake" HINTS ${_HDF4_HINTS} PATHS ${_HDF4_PATHS} PATH_SUFFIXES lib/cmake/hdf4 share/cmake/hdf4 ) FIND_PATH (HDF4_INCLUDE_DIRS "hdf.h" HINTS ${_HDF4_HINTS} PATHS ${_HDF4_PATHS} PATH_SUFFIXES include Include ) # For backwards compatibility we set HDF4_INCLUDE_DIR to the value of # HDF4_INCLUDE_DIRS set ( HDF4_INCLUDE_DIR "${HDF4_INCLUDE_DIRS}" ) if (HDF4_INCLUDE_DIR) set (HDF4_FOUND "YES") INCLUDE (${HDF4_ROOT_DIR}/hdf4-config.cmake) endif (HDF4_INCLUDE_DIR)